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Using azureml images in Azure DevOps pipelines #123

Closed Borda closed 4 months ago

Borda commented 2 years ago

I am trying to run the following image in Azure DevOps pipelines on a scale set composed of B2s machines. But it seems it does not start for a missing user:

id -u AzDevOps
Try to create a user with UID '1001' inside the container.
/usr/bin/docker exec  0d9248a5c9832be4c2b3e711920a72a5161974ad0310e96af01c9710711f0427 bash -c "getent passwd 1001 | cut -d: -f1 "
/usr/bin/docker exec  0d9248a5c9832be4c2b3e711920a72a5161974ad0310e96af01c9710711f0427 useradd -m -u 1001 AzDevOps_azpcontainer
useradd: Permission denied.
useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later.

In fact, I do ot need to use azureml image, but it was the only one found when I searched for keyword Ubuntu in the registry... :(

AndreHamilton-MSFT commented 4 months ago

Please see for troubleshooting help