microsoft / containerregistry

Microsoft Artifact Registry description and related FAQ
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Microsoft Artifact Registry (MAR)

Microsoft Artifact Registry (also known as Microsoft Container Registry or MCR) is the primary Registry for all Microsoft Published artifacts (such as container images) that offers a reliable and trustworthy delivery of artifacts with a syndicated catalog, while maintaining the quality that customers expect from a Microsoft product offering.

For more background on MAR:

Browsing MAR Content

The discovery experience for MAR is provided through the MAR discovery UI on and Docker Hub.

  1. To browse the list of repositories within MAR, visit

  2. To browse the list of tags, within a repository:

    a. Visit

    b. Select an artifact from the catalog listing

    c. Select the Tags tab to view the list of tags for that particular artifact

Additional Guidance for the Use of MAR

Providing Feedback

Please open issues to provide your feedback on usage, as well as any suggestions or concerns with MAR.


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