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MAR Image Name Sorting #133

Closed RichardMuniu closed 4 months ago

RichardMuniu commented 1 year ago

At a glance, the default listing for image tags on the official website does not seem to have any particular sorting order. It is, however, possible to sort container images and manifest lists by name. Again, it seems at a glance that this sorting is alphabetical, which is rather counterintuitive and ineffective for tags (which make up the name field) since it completely ignores semantic versioning.

For instance, in a sort, a tag such as "v1.0.10" would show up next to "v1.0.1", although a "v1.0.9" exists. This makes it very difficult to figure out what the latest available tag is in such cases.

Is it possible to rank images using SemVer rather than their alphabetical names?

AndreHamilton-MSFT commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, not all tags follow semversion so this would result in some oddities in sroting. We are working to improve tag finding