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Dotnet/monitor:8.0-alpine tag not available #151

Closed alexstinewaystar closed 4 months ago

alexstinewaystar commented 9 months ago

The dotnet/monitor:8.0-alpine image tag is not yet available. Any ETA on when it will be pushed?

jander-msft commented 4 months ago

The short answer is that .NET Monitor 8 and forward will not be offering Alpine variants.

With the introduction of Ubuntu Chiseled images in .NET 8 (Preview 1 announcement, GA announcement), the .NET Monitor team decided to fully adopt distroless-style images. Given that the .NET Monitor images are appliance-style images (not meant to be used as based images but to be used as-is), it was decided that Alpine variants would be dropped since the hypothetical Alpine image would satisfy the same requirements that the Ubuntu Chiseled images would satisfy.

This change was announced in the .NET Monitor repository in December 2022 and the breaking change was documented as part of the .NET 8 breaking changes.

Please read either of these links to understand the new tag set that is offered by .NET Monitor; it is likely that you'll want to use the 8-ubuntu-chiseled tag.