microsoft / monosize

Bundle size tooling for monorepos
MIT License
25 stars 9 forks source link
A sample report produced by monosize

monosize πŸ“¦

Monorepo + bundlesize
Monosize is a CLI tool to measure bundle size locally and on CI


# yarn
yarn add --dev monosize

# npm
npm install --save-dev monosize


Note: monosize requires building packages first before doing any kind of measurements. Make sure to accommodate this in your pipeline


Fixtures declare exports that should be measured by the monosize tool. Fixtures are created inside each package.

For example:

import { Component } from '@library/component';

export { Component };
// πŸ‘† "export" is required to be able to measure the size of the component

export default {
  name: 'Component',
  // πŸ‘† defines a name for a fixture that will be used in output


You need to create a monosize.config.mjs in the root of your project directory (next to package.json) to configure storage and bundler adapters.

β”œβ”€ src/
β”œβ”€ monosize.config.mjs
β”œβ”€ node_modules/
β”œβ”€ bundle-size/
β”‚  β”œβ”€ Fixture.fixture.js
β”œβ”€ package.json

A global configuration can also be used for monorepo scenarios:

β”œβ”€ src/
β”œβ”€ node_modules/
β”œβ”€ bundle-size/
β”‚  β”œβ”€ Fixture.fixture.js
β”œβ”€ package.json
β”œβ”€ src/
β”œβ”€ node_modules/
β”œβ”€ bundle-size/
β”‚  β”œβ”€ Fixture.fixture.js
β”œβ”€ package.json

Config API

// monosize.config.mjs
import storageAdapter from 'monosize-storage-*';
import webpackBundler from 'monosize-bundler-webpack';

/** @type {import('monosize').MonoSizeConfig} */
const config = {
  repository: '',
  storage: storageAdapter(),
  bundler: webpackBundler(config => {
    // customize config here
    return config;

  // Optional `compare-reports`/`upload-reports` commands config overrides
  reportResolvers: {
    packageRoot: async reportFile => {
      // provide custom logic on how to resolve package root
      return '...';
    packageName: async packageRoot => {
      // provide custom logic on how to resolve packageName used within reports
      return '...';

export default config;

Bundler adapters

To build fixtures and produce artifacts you need to use a bundler adapter. Following adapters are available:

Storage adapters

To store reference results and run comparisons you need to use a storage adapter. Following adapters are available:



monosize measure [--debug] [--artifacts-location] [--fixtures] [--quiet]

Builds fixtures and produces artifacts. For each fixture:

Produces a report file (dist/bundle-size/monosize.json) that is used by other steps.



monosize measure --fixtures ba* - matches any fixtures with filenames starting with ba monosize measure --fixtures Fixture.fixture.js - matches a fixture with the exact filename


Compares local (requires call of monosize measure first) and remote results, provides output to CLI or to a Markdown file.

monosize compare-reports --branch=main --output=["cli"|"markdown"] [--deltaFormat=["delta"|"percent"]] [--report-files-glob] [--quiet]

[!TIP] In order to resolve package name used within report, we look for package.json or project.json by default to identify project root and use #name property from obtained configuration. If you have custom solution that needs changes please use monosize configuration API (MonoSizeConfig.reportResolvers).



[!CAUTION] Should be called only during CI builds.

[!TIP] Requires a configured storage adapter.

[!TIP] In order to resolve package name used within report, we look for package.json or project.json by default to identify project root and use #name property from obtained configuration. If you have custom solution that needs changes please use monosize configuration API (MonoSizeConfig.reportResolvers).

monosize upload-report --branch=main --commit-sha=HASH [--report-files-glob] [--quiet]

Aggregates local results to a single report and uploads data to Azure Table Storage.



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