microsoft / msticnb

MSTIC Notebook Components
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msticnb - Notebooklets for Jupyter Notebooks

Read the full documentation at msticnb.readthedocs

msticnb is a companion package to msticpy. It is designed to be used in Jupyter notebooks by security operations engineers and analysts, to give them quick access to common notebook patterns such as retrieving summary information about a host or IP address.

<img src="" alt="Notebooklet browser showing list of notebooklets and some details of the user documentation for the selected notebooklet." title="Notebooklet browser" height="300" />

Each notebooklet is equivalent to multiple cells and many lines of code in a traditional notebook. You can import and run a notebooklet with two lines of code (or even 1 line, if you are impatient). Typically, the input parameters to a notebooklet will be an identifier (e.g. a host name) and a time range (over which to query data). Some notebooklets (primarily packaged analytics) will take a pandas DataFrame as input.

    host_summary =
    host_sum_rslt =
        value="Msticalertswin1", timespan=time_span

You can create your own notebooklets and use them in the same framework as the ones already in the package.


What are notebooklets?

Notebooklets are collections of notebook cells that implement some useful reusable sequence. They are extensions of, and build upon the msticpy package and are design to streamline authoring of Jupyter notebooks for CyberSec hunters and investigators. The goal of notebooklets is to replace repetitive and lengthy boilerplate code in notebooks for common operations.

Some examples are:

Intended Audience

Why did we create notebooklets?

Why aren\'t these part of msticpy?

Traditional Notebook vs. one using a Notebooklets

The notebook on the left is using mostly inline code (occupying more than 50% of the notebook). The one on the right is using a single notebooklet with only 3 or 4 lines of code.

<img src="" alt="Comparing a standard notebook with one using a notebooklet. The standard notebook on the left can require large amounts of code. The notebook on the right uses just 3 lines of code." title="With and without notebooklets" height="500" />

Characteristics of Notebooklets


Using Notebooklets

For a more detailed explanation of these steps and illustration of other features see the Notebooklets notebook

Install the Package

pip install msticnb

Import and initialize

<img src="" alt="Python statement to import msticnb - 'import msticnb as nb'" title="Importing" height="70" />

The init method loads data drivers and data providers relevant to the the chosen data platform.

<img src="" alt="Python statement to initialize msticnb - nb.init('AzureSentinel')" title="Initializing msticnb" height="70" />

Pick a notebooklet to use

You can pick a notebooklet from the commandline, using autocompletion. You can also search for a notebooklet using keywords and text from the notebooklet name and documentation.

The easiest way is using the nb.browse() method. This lists all of the available notebooklets and displays documentation, usage information and sample code snippet for each.

<img src="" alt="Notebooklet browser showing list of notebooklets and some details of the user documentation for the selected notebooklet." title="Notebooklet browser" height="500" />

Instantiate the notebooklet and execute \"run\"

Notebooklets usually have a single run method, which is the entry point for the notebooklet. A notebooklet might have additional methods to do further drill-down, data retrieval, visualization or other operations once the run method has completed. Run typically requires parameters such as a host or account identifier and a time range over which to perform the operations.

<img src="" alt="Python code cell showing the creation of a notebooklet instance from the WinHostevents notebooklet class. The notebooklet 'run' method is called with parameters supplying the name of the host and a time range." title="Running a notebooklet" height="100" />

The notebooklet displays output directly to the notebook (although this can be suppressed) - showing text, data tables and visualizations. This data is all saved to a Results object. The data items are simple properties of this results object, for example, DataFrames, plots, or simple Python dictionaries. You can access these individually and you can just display the results object using IPython display() or just typing its name into and emtpy cell and running the cell.

<img src="" alt="The notebooklet displays output directly to th notebook. The output includes styled tables, text headings and descriptions and interactive timeline visualizations." title="Running a notebooklet" height="600" />

View extended help for a notebooklet

You can access detailed documentation from any notebooklet class or instance using the show_help() method. This help includes a high-level description and usage information (parameters, available methods, options). It also describes the major output sections that will be displayed and the the contents of the return results.

Note: the contents of this help are also displayed in the notebooklet browser shown earlier.

<img src="" alt="The notebooklet help displays a description, parameter and other usage information and available methods. It also describes the major output sections and the contents of the return results." title="Notebooklet help" height="500" />

Current Notebooklets


Retrieves account summary for the selected account.

Main operations:


Alert Enrichment Notebooklet Class.

Enriches Azure Sentinel alerts with Threat Intelligence and other data.


Host Logons Summary Notebooklet class.

Queries and displays information about logons to a host including:


HostSummary Notebooklet class.

Queries and displays information about a host including:


Windows host Security Events Notebooklet class.

Queries and displays Windows Security Events including:

Process (4688) and Account Logon (4624, 4625) are not included in the event types processed by this module.


Retrieves common data about an IP Address including:


Network Flow Summary Notebooklet class.

Queries network data and plots time lines for network traffic to/from a host or IP address.


Template Notebooklet class.

A code template for creating additional notebooklets.

See Also

msticpy documentation