microsoft / nnscaler

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nnScaler: Compiling DNN models for Parallel Training over Multiple Devices

What is nnScaler?

nnScaler is a parallelization engine that compiles a Deep neural network (DNN) model that designed for single-GPU execution into a program that capable of running in parallel across multiple GPUs.


System Highlights:

For DNN scientists, they can concentrate on model design with PyTorch on single GPU, while leaving parallelization complexities to nnScaler. It introduces innovative parallelism techniques that surpass existing methods in performance. Additionally, nnScaler supports the extension of DNN modules with new structures or execution patterns, enabling users to parallelize their custom DNN models.

For DNN system experts, they can leverage nnScaler to explore new DNN parallelization mechanisms and policies for emerging models. By providing user-defined functions for new operators not recognized by nnScaler, it ensures seamless parallelization of novel DNN models. For example, to facilitate long sequence support in LLMs.

Quick start



Install the following packages before the installation of nnScaler:

Python >= 3.8, < 3.11 (3.10 is recommanded)

PyTorch >= 2.0, < 2.4 (2.2.0 is recommanded)

Install nnScaler from source

Execute below commands in nnScaler directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Besides, to avoid cppimport error, it also needs to include nnScaler directory in environment variable PYTHONPATH:

export NNSCALER_HOME=$(pwd)

Example Llama-3

Prerequisite for Llama-3

Install packages required to run Llama-3. Besides, a certain version of CUDA library is needed during flash-attn installation. For example, CUDA V11.8 is needed if using PyTorch 2.20.

python -m pip install transformers==4.40.0 flash-attn==2.5.5 tensorboard

Model Access

Obtain access of Llama-3 model from HuggingFace, where you will receive an access token which should be set as an environment variable:


Code Changes for Parallelization

You can find all the example code at examples/llama3_8B_128K. As shown below, a user needs to:

# import the nnScaler build-in parallelization-capable trainer
from nnscaler.cli.trainer import Trainer

# wrap model to include loss computing, etc.
class WrapperModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_id):
        self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, attn_implementation='flash_attention_2')

    def forward(self, samples):
        outputs = self.model.model(
        loss = torch.sum(chunk_linear_cross_entropy(outputs[0], self.model.lm_head.weight, samples['target'], ...))
        return loss, samples['ntokens'], samples['nsentences']

def main(args):
    # data config
    dataloader_config = ...

    # model config
    model_config = ModelConfig(
            'model_id': args.model_id,
    # optimizer hyperparameters 
    optimizer_config = OptimizerConfig(
        args={'lr': 2e-5, 'betas': (0.9, 0.95), 'weight_decay': 0.0, 'fused': True},

    # setup trainer with configs of dataloader/model/optimizer, etc. 
    trainer = Trainer(train_args=TrainerArgs(

Run the example Llama-3 training

Then we can start the example, and all the parallelization tasks will be finished by nnScaler automatically.

cd examples/llama3_8B_128K

# prepare training data:
python --data_path_or_name bookcorpus/bookcorpus --tokenizer_path_or_name meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct --save_path ./bookcorpus_llama3_4K --sequence_length 4096

# build the mini model
python --model_id meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct --output_id ./llama3_mini

#compile and run using data parallelism + zero1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --plan_ngpus 1 --runtime_ngpus 2 --name llama3_debug --model_id ./llama3_mini --dataset_path ./bookcorpus_llama3_4K

Example nanoGPT

We also provide an example to demonstrate how to parallelize a model through a PyTorch Lightning-compatible interface in nnScaler.

Now you can run with torchrun <>:

torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 nanoGPT/config/

This will train a baby GPT model on a single GPU. It will take several minutes and the best validation loss will be around 1.47.

By default, nnScaler parallelizes a model over GPUs with data parallelism. If you have 4 GPUs on one node:

torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 nanoGPT/config/

Or if you have multiple nodes, for example 2 nodes with 4 GPUs each:

# on each node
torchrun --nnodes=2 --nproc_per_node=4 --rdzv-id=NNSCALER_NANOGPT --rdzv-backend=c10d --rdzv-endpoint=<IP> \ nanoGPT/config/

NOTE: The local batch size is fixed by default, so using more workers will result in a larger global batch size.

💡 For advanced usages, please stay tuned for our future release.

Success Stories

nnScaler has been adopted by multiple projects, including both product and research explorations:


You may find the Artifact Evaluation for OSDI'24 with the guidance here. Please cite nnScaler in your publications if it helps your research:

title = {nnScaler: Constraint-Guided Parallelization Plan Generation for Deep Learning Training},
author={Lin, Zhiqi and Miao, Youshan and Zhang, Quanlu and Yang, Fan and Zhu, Yi and Li, Cheng and Maleki, Saeed and Cao, Xu and Shang, Ning and Yang, Yilei and Xu, Weijiang and Yang, Mao and Zhang, Lintao and Zhou, Lidong},
booktitle={18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 24)},


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