microsoft / powercat-business-approvals-kit

MIT License
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Business Approvals kit for Microsoft Power Platform

One of the key use cases that we see across every industry and every department are approvals. Power Automate allows you to streamline your business by digitalizing the approval experience.

“Business approvals kit” – is a kit that will accelerate building your approvals faster than ever - available as an experimental preview. Business approvals kit is a no-code ready-made template built on top of Power Platform components that allows your organization to configure sophisticated approvals such as conditional branching, delegation, admin overrides and more – all without the need to write a single code – empowering every person in your organization to "do more with less" for your organizations approval needs.

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About this GitHub repo

The Business Approvals kit GitHub Repo contains the source, releases, issues and backlog items of all components that are part of the Business Approvals kit.

Latest Release

The latest shipped version is available via Releases. From there, you can download the latest version of all managed solutions that have been tested and are ready for use.

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Report a Bug or submit a Feature Request

Have you found a bug in the Business Approvals kit or do you want to suggest a new feature? Either way, please let us now by filing an issue while observing the following guidelines

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Asking and Answering Questions

Join the discussions and ask your question or contribute by answering questions from others. This is a great way to contribute by helping the CoE Starter Kit community.

If you have general questions about Power Automate approval connectors, unrelated to the Business Approvals kit, please raise them in the Power Automate Community forum


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