microsoft / sqldev

Source code for SQL Server and Azure SQL DB developer getting started tutorials:
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SQL Server Tutorials Documentation Contributor Guide

You've found the GitHub repository that houses the source for the SQL Server tutorials that are published on

Contribute to SQL Server tutorials

Firstly, thank you for your interest in contributing to our tutorials. We use Jekyll + Markdown for our documentation. To contribute, simply make a pull request (PR) with changes in the Markdown files or add new Markdown files. We will do our best to review changes within 24 hours.

Repository organization

The content in the repository follows the standard Jekyll folder structure:


The \pages folder contains the documentation articles formatted as markdown files with an .md extension for each langauge & operating system combination.


This folder contains reusable content sections to be included in one or more articles. This folder also contains base HTML files that are used across the site.


This folder contains the CSS files used to style the website


This folder contains images and js scripts used in the tutorials website.

Use GitHub

For information about how to contribute, how to use the GitHub UI to contribute small changes, and how to fork and clone the repository for more significant contributions, see Authoring in GitHub.


We recommend that you create local working branches that target a specific scope of change. Each branch should be limited to a single concept/article both to streamline work flow and reduce the possibility of merge conflicts. The following efforts are of the appropriate scope for a new branch:

How to use markdown to format your topic

All the articles in this repository use GitHub flavored markdown. Here's a list of resources.

Article metadata

Article metadata enables certain functionalities, such as author attribution, contributor attribution, breadcrumbs, article descriptions, and SEO optimizations as well as reporting Microsoft uses to evaluate the performance of the content. So, the metadata is important! Here's the guidance for making sure your metadata is done right.


Automated labels are assigned to pull requests to help us manage the pull request workflow and to help let you know what's going on with your pull request:

Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.