microsoft / ts-parsec

Writing a custom parser is a fairly common need. Although there are already parser combinators in others languages, TypeScript provides a powerful and well-structured foundation for building this. Common parser combinators’ weakness are error handling and ambiguity resolving, but these are ts-parsec’s important features. Additionally, ts-parsec provides a very easy to use programming interface, that could help people to build programming-language-scale parsers in just a few hours. This technology has already been used in Microsoft/react-native-tscodegen.
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Using ts-parsec with npm

npm install -g typescript-parsec

Building this repo

yarn build
yarn test



ts-parsec is a parser combinator library prepared for typescript. By using this library, you are able to create parsers very quickly using just a few lines of code. It provides the following features:

You are recommended to learn EBNF before using this library.

Please read Getting Started for ramping up, or our document page for deeper understanding.

More Examples

In the Future

Following combinators will be released soon:

Context sensitive tokenizer is also comming.