microsoft / xaml-standard

XAML Standard : a set of principles that drive XAML dialect alignment
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Add a convention to issue #152

Closed GeraudFabien closed 7 years ago

GeraudFabien commented 7 years ago

Problem Eg: My problem is normal binding is slow Solution Eg: Making a new kind of binding. Using compile binding..... Exemple my code Solution drawback Plateform or framework

markrendle commented 7 years ago

How about this?

When creating an issue, please use the following template as a guide.

Which specific aspect of XAML Standard have you misunderstood?

How angry are you about Silverlight, five years on?

Mike-E-angelo commented 7 years ago

You forgot a calendar control, @markrendle.


insinfo commented 7 years ago

That was funny

Odonno commented 7 years ago

I think it went too far. The point I wanted to say about this issue is that every issue will be different by nature and it will be really hard to introduce a specs format just right now.

Anyway, I think the real value will be contained in the markdown file and laterly on the source code that developers will be able to use and enjoy. But until then, every idea should matter based on the decision and the experience of developers.

So, I would like someone to close this issue or expose his arguments on this topic.

birbilis commented 7 years ago

Would like to see XSD for the spec or some extension of it

GeraudFabien commented 7 years ago

The goal is not to take all the issue. But to help people to make a new issue. I badly name it. What I wanted was more a base template more than a convention. It also may help to aggregate information and a quiker approach to read issue.

Mike-E-angelo commented 7 years ago

Good attempt, @GeraudFabien. I sense there is a bit of a language barrier as well so we shouldn't be so rough on you. 😄 👼

birbilis commented 7 years ago

Would be nice if GitHub allowed maintainer of a repo to define a template/boilerplate for new issues

bartlannoeye commented 7 years ago

@birbilis that's possible:

markrendle commented 7 years ago

@GeraudFabien Please don't think I was making a joke at your expense; that was not my intention, and I'm truly sorry if it seemed like that to you.

I used your suggestion as a way to make a point about the variety of issues that I have been seeing on this repository, most of which seem to miss the point of XAML Standard in at least one of the ways I suggested.

In all seriousness, a proper template for issues could be an enormous help in reducing these sorts of posts, so I think it would be an excellent idea if done properly.

GeraudFabien commented 7 years ago

@markrendle i didn't thinks of it that way. I know when i write this issue about the diversity of case who cannot be handle by one only template without making the process of making a new issue too heavy. I see convention more as best practice thant a rule. So the issue is closer to a template base thant a real convention in the usual meaning.

In fact i feel weird that MS didn't make a "Contribute to XAML Standart" (Like but adapt to language specification repository) where they explain what XAML standart is exactly and they advice. Sometime i feel like i'm on System.Ben repository. There is no Gitter. The projet lack of arbitrary Goal just to get an idea of what they expect. MS have experience about building XAML Spec (WPF, UWP, XAMARIN.Form) I at least expected a list of all the problem to avoid when making a new Control/Panel/... .

birbilis commented 7 years ago

Or maybe they have an idea of what it should be, but they want to gather feedback and shape it on the go. There is no need to involve the community else, could leave XAML in the state it was, broken in multiple pieces

harinikmsft commented 7 years ago

Done! Thanks for the feedback. We now have an issue template that should help with some guidance on what we are looking for and how you can position what you are filing in a way that will be useful in evolving the standard!

dotMorten commented 7 years ago

@harinikmsft One comment on the template: You're asking us to label the issues, but we don't have access to adding labels.

harinikmsft commented 7 years ago

Ah, I see. Updated the template. Thanks @dotMorten.

<Please excuse github noob />