microsoft / xaml-standard

XAML Standard : a set of principles that drive XAML dialect alignment
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Forms #188

Closed tomakali closed 7 years ago

tomakali commented 7 years ago

Can microsoft include a drag and drop forms builder in windows which users can use it to generate forms in C#/XAML and publish to azure this will increase the user to gain knowledge of C#/XAML

something like this ms-forms

tomzorz commented 7 years ago

@tomakali this is a tooling question, similar to #182 please post it on

Mike-E-angelo commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to consider not downvoting creative requests such as this from the community, please? I am in agreement and understand that this doesn't adhere to the original/existing/current intent of the Xaml Standard, but if you look at the types of discussions that have sprung up here in the past month, we see:

I believe we're in a potentially fragile (and no doubt painful) evolution of what's at play here. We have a great deal of these types of conversations and requests occurring and it might be better to capture it here in another form here on GitHub (filtered from the designed/original intent of this initiative), rather to shoo it off to another disparate system with a fraction of the engagement power and value of the tooling we have available to us here.

Rather than discouraging/fragmenting contributions such as this, I feel it would better serve this repo (and community) to instead accurately tag and bag it under a different category, or even a different (child) repo altogether. Otherwise, in order to accurately capture/analyze sentiment you are going to have to spend efforts in two disparate systems rather than one.

If we are not at all concerned interested in capturing this type of information/sentiment, let's all agree with that and move on as well. In that case, we could point to another issue and definitively say "you know what? We've already had a conversation about this and have all agreed that this is not what this is about and this is not wanted here."

That would absolutely suck and kill the project manager in me, however, LOL!

I concede I'm just some random opinionated dev however so I am certainly open to feedback on this, as always. šŸ˜„

ErickRock commented 7 years ago

@tomakali What is the name of this software?

birbilis commented 7 years ago

@ErickRock Judging from the titlebar shown in the image it's probably

the interesting part of that page (apart from the images of course) is:

  1. Elements panel: This panel consists of all elements you can include for your form, such as:

    Text: Creates a text field. Textarea: Creates a larger text field. Select: Creates a dropdown list of options to select. Multiple Select: Creates a dropdown list of options to select. Users can select multiple options with this element. Checkbox: Creates a list of checkbox options. Radio Button: Creates a list of radio button options. Date: Creates an input field for a date. Number: Creates an input field for numbers. Send File: Creates a file selection field where users can choose and select files from their hard drive. Email: Creates an input field for an email address. Website: Creates an input field for a URL. Name: Creates an input field for first and last names. Address: Creates input fields for an address including street address, city, state/province/region, postal code and country. Password: Creates an input field for a password. Phone: Creates an input field for a phone. Captcha: Creates a captcha for users to ā€œsolveā€ before submitting the form. This element helps protect against spammers.

  2. Form properties tab: In this tab, you can adjust your formā€™s global settings including:

    Title: Input the title. Font Size: Select the size. Font Face: Select the font desired. For example: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif. Google web fonts are available also. Font Color: Select the font color for the text. Width: Input a number in pixels (px) or percents (%) to change your formā€™s width. Form Color: Select a background color. Page Color: Select a color for your page. Blurred: Adds blurred background Submit: Change the text of the ā€œSubmitā€ button. Notification email: Specify email address that will receive the results of form submissions. Confirmation: Choose the confirmation your users will see after a successful form submission: Message or Redirect. -Message: The user will see this message you input in the box -Redirect: The user will be redirected to the specified URL

  3. Element properties tab: In this tab, you can adjust the settings of the currently selected element. You have control over item properties, such as:

    Label Hover text Required elements Field size And much more, depending on the element

  4. Themes panel: Select a theme. There are three themes to choose from:

    Bootstrap Metro Flat Solid

  5. Color scheme: Select a color scheme. There are several different colors to choose from.

tomzorz commented 7 years ago

@Mike-EEE I don't disagree, but I think everything has its place.

this doesn't adhere to the original/existing/current intent of the Xaml Standard

Exactly, that's why I think that there's a different place for this kind of feedback. IMHO this is not productive for the xaml-standard repository. There are certain already established places for tooling feedback, the wpdev uservoice is one of those. Obviously in the end it'll probably be Microsoft who decides what should be included in the discussion here and what isn't. As far as I see my position on the subject reflects theirs.

harinikmsft commented 7 years ago

As folks have already pointed out, this issue doesn't belong in this repo. XAML Standard is a vocabulary spec for standardizing common UI controls and APIs for C#/XAML developers targeting cross-platform UI development.

Not denying that these are interesting topics and issues for the same set of developers, just that this is not the place where these can get addressed. You are welcome to continue this conversation here and link to it from Visual Studio UWP tools uservoice if you find the format here easier to have a discussion etc.,

I am marking this "rejected" and Closed to show that this kind of issue will not be addressed as part of the XAML Standard effort.

P.S: Have you checked out Windows Template Studio? That might be a good repo to have this conversation as well. It is run by our friend, @crutkas!

crutkas commented 7 years ago

Kick up this thread over at WTS, it is actually much harder than you think to do what you're proposing due to what the framework someone is using under the hood. Codebehind source code looks and acts differently than MVVMLight versus ...

We'd love to nerd out on this and see what is possible.