micser / musicco

musicco is a web player for your music library Host it on a NAS and start streaming your music from any browser.
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🎶 musicco

GitHub Release Date GitHub commits since latest release (by date) GitHub last commit GitHub issues musicco musicco is a web player for your music library Host it on a NAS and start streaming your music from any browser.
This is especially great on low-spec NAS that don't have enough power to host Squeezebox, Subsonic or an ITunes Server.
Check out https://www.musicco.app for more information or try the demo at https://www.musicco.app/demo.

Follow @musiccoapp

💡 Features

📱 Fully responsive player for all your devices


🔎 Browsing, filtering and searching the music library


ℹ️ Artist information and lyrics for currently playing track


⌨️ Keyboard support


🔐 Optional authentication and multi-user support for saving everybody's playlists


🖼️ Showcase that beautiful album art


⚙️ Required php extensions

📚 Libraries

Library Bundled Latest
color-thief 2.4.0 GitHub release (latest by date)
detect_swipe 2.1.5 GitHub release (latest by date)
fancytree 2.38.3 GitHub release (latest by date)
fontawesome 6.6.0 GitHub release (latest by date)
jQuery 3.7.1 GitHub release (latest by date)
jQuery-qrcode 0.18.0 GitHub tag (latest by date)
jQuery-ui 1.14.0 GitHub release (latest by date)
jQuery-ui-contextmenu 1.18.1 GitHub release (latest by date)
jquery-taphold 1.1.0 GitHub release (latest by date)
js-cookie 3.0.5 GitHub release (latest by date)
jsmediatags 3.9.5 GitHub release (latest by date)
Monserrat 7.222 GitHub tag (latest by date)
normalise 1.0.0 GitHub release (latest by date)
wavesurfer 7.8.2 x micser GitHub release (latest by date)

💗 Love

musicco is in great part inspired by / technically relies or has relied on the following great projects:

musicco scans your music folder and builds a database of your music collection, retrieving missing cover art from coverartarchive.org, artist information from wikipedia.org and song lyrics from chartlyrics.com.

📒 Changelog

v3.3.0 (in development)

v3.2.4 (16th September 2023)

v3.2.3 (16th September 2023)

v3.2.2 (9th February 2023)

v3.2.1 (9th May 2022)

v3.2.0 (26th January 2022)

v3.1.2 (13th October 2021)

v3.1.1 (13th October 2021)

v3.1.0 (12th October 2021)

v3.0.0 (4th December 2020)

v2.0.3 (25th April 2020)

v2.0.2 (21st January 2020)

v2.0.1 (11th September 2019)

v2.0.0 (28th October 2018)

v1.3.5 (24th May 2017)

v1.3.4 (11th November 2016)




v1.3.0 (24th September 2016)



v1.2.0 (May 3rd 2016)

v1.1.0 (25 September 2014)




v1.0.0 (27 April 2013)