micuintus / harbour-Berlin-Vegan

Berlin-Vegan Guide
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Fix default sorting of venues #249

Closed jmastr closed 6 years ago

jmastr commented 6 years ago

Our data in the .json files comes perfectly sorted:

cat ./qml/pages/GastroLocations.json | python -m json.tool | grep '"name"' |grep 'attis' -A1 -B1
        "name": "Attila Hildmann Vegan Food",
        "name": "attis Espresso Caf\u00e9",
        "name": "Auf die Hand",

but our app changes this behaviour and distinguishes between upper and lower case as shown in the picture:

screen shot 2018-07-11 at 13 08 59

This can be reproduced, if accessing the location is disallowed.

jmastr commented 6 years ago

First guess is that this line:

./src/VenueModel.cpp:154:        QJSValueIterator array(item);

changes the order, which is fine in item.

jmastr commented 6 years ago

I was mistaken. Data is corrupted in .json:

cat GastroLocations.json | python -m json.tool | grep '"name"' |grep 'attis' -A1 -B1
        "name": "Zur Gerichtslaube",
        "name": "attis Espresso Caf\u00e9",
        "name": "bekech",

Probably due to our new backend. Closing...