micuintus / harbour-Berlin-Vegan

Berlin-Vegan Guide
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android berlin berlin-vegan cross-platform felgo foss freesoftware ios opensource qt restaurant sailfishos v-play vegan vegetarian

Berlin-Vegan for SailfishOS, iOS and Android

Berlin-Vegan is a Qt-based cross-platform app for SailfishOS, iOS and Android.

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There is a blog article about the development of this app. Furthermore, the source code of a former version of this app for Android (2.x series) can be found here.

With the Berlin-Vegan guide, you have got quick access to an overview of the vegan food and shopping possibilities in Berlin, Germany --- even while you are out and about.

The app contains over 300 entries of restaurants, snack bars and takeaways with vegan declared offers from the www.berlin-vegan.de website.

The guide is not just suitable for vegetarians and vegans but also for all people who are trying to live their life in a greener and more animal friendly way.

Berlin-Vegan is Free Software:

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.

Many thanks goes to the editorial team of berlin-vegan.de for creating and maintaining the Berlin-Vegan project with its marvelous restaurant database, which this app uses. This content is released under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Berlin-Vegan for SailfishOS, iOS and Android is being developed with the free and open source cross-platform framework Qt. While the app uses jolla's native Qt-based SDK on SailfishOS, on Android and iOS it is realized with Felgo.

Moreover, this application greatfully makes use of third party Free Software projects.