micuintus / harbour-Berlin-Vegan

Berlin-Vegan Guide
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Make map more robust: Feed map with non sorted model #267

Closed micuintus closed 5 years ago

micuintus commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, the map keeps causing problems: (Re-)populating the map (and removing venues) when filter settings are changed remains buggy, wrong venues are opened when clicking on a map marker, etc.

We solve this by separating sorting and filtering our venue list and feeding our map with an unsorted venue list.

micuintus commented 5 years ago


micuintus commented 5 years ago

https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-71264 is fixed with Qt 5.12.1... we have to run with V-Play <= 2.16 in the meantime, which uses Qt 5.10, where the bug is not present yet...