micuintus / harbour-Berlin-Vegan

Berlin-Vegan Guide
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Offer "open at" filter option #301

Closed micuintus closed 3 years ago

micuintus commented 5 years ago

In addition to "open now" offer filtering for open state at a specified time and day.

micuintus commented 4 years ago

From the FELGO Showcase app in Felgo/appdemos/showcase/qml/pages/ControlsPage.qml:

        // time picker dialog
        SectionContent { contentItem: Column {
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            spacing: dp(10)
            AppText { width: parent.width; font.pixelSize: sp(12); text: "Time or Date Picker (only iOS style)"; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter }
            Row {
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              spacing: parent.spacing
              AppText {
                text: "Time: "+leadingZero(timePickerDialog.time.hour)+":"+leadingZero(timePickerDialog.time.minute)
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                function leadingZero(number) {
                  return ('00' + number).slice(-2)
              AppButton { flat: false; text: "Set"; onClicked: timePickerDialog.open(); anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
        } // time picker


micuintus commented 4 years ago

Sailfish part: https://sailfishos.org/develop/docs/silica/qml-sailfishsilica-sailfish-silica-datepickerdialog.html/ https://sailfishos.org/develop/docs/silica/qml-sailfishsilica-sailfish-silica-timepickerdialog.html/ https://sailfishos.org/develop/docs/silica/qml-sailfishsilica-sailfish-silica-valuebutton.html/