mideind / Tokenizer

A tokenizer for Icelandic text
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Tokenizer: A tokenizer for Icelandic text

.. image:: https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer/workflows/tests/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer


Tokenization is a necessary first step in many natural language processing tasks, such as word counting, parsing, spell checking, corpus generation, and statistical analysis of text.

Tokenizer is a compact pure-Python (>=3.9) executable program and module for tokenizing Icelandic text. It converts input text to streams of tokens, where each token is a separate word, punctuation sign, number/amount, date, e-mail, URL/URI, etc. It also segments the token stream into sentences, considering corner cases such as abbreviations and dates in the middle of sentences.

The package contains a dictionary of common Icelandic abbreviations, in the file src/tokenizer/Abbrev.conf.

Tokenizer is an independent spinoff from the Greynir project <https://greynir.is> (GitHub repository here <https://github.com/mideind/Greynir>), by the same authors. The Greynir natural language parser for Icelandic <https://github.com/mideind/GreynirEngine>_ uses Tokenizer on its input.

Tokenizer is licensed under the MIT license.

Deep vs. shallow tokenization

Tokenizer can do both deep and shallow tokenization.

Shallow tokenization simply returns each sentence as a string (or as a line of text in an output file), where the individual tokens are separated by spaces.

Deep tokenization returns token objects that have been annotated with the token type and further information extracted from the token, for example a (year, month, day) tuple in the case of date tokens.

In shallow tokenization, tokens are in most cases kept intact, although consecutive white space is always coalesced. The input strings "800 MW", "21. janúar" and "800 7000" thus become two tokens each, output with a single space between them.

In deep tokenization, the same strings are represented by single token objects, of type TOK.MEASUREMENT, TOK.DATEREL and TOK.TELNO, respectively. The text associated with a single token object may contain spaces, although consecutive whitespace is always coalesced into a single space " ".

By default, the command line tool performs shallow tokenization. If you want deep tokenization with the command line tool, use the --json or --csv switches.

From Python code, call split_into_sentences() for shallow tokenization, or tokenize() for deep tokenization. These functions are documented with examples below.


To install:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install tokenizer

Command line tool

After installation, the tokenizer can be invoked directly from the command line:

.. code-block:: console

$ tokenize input.txt output.txt

Input and output files are in UTF-8 encoding. If the files are not given explicitly, stdin and stdout are used for input and output, respectively.

Empty lines in the input are treated as hard sentence boundaries.

By default, the output consists of one sentence per line, where each line ends with a single newline character (ASCII LF, chr(10), "\n"). Within each line, tokens are separated by spaces.

The following (mutually exclusive) options can be specified on the command line:

+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | --csv | Deep tokenization. Output token objects in CSV | | | format, one per line. Sentences are separated by | | | lines containing 0,"","" | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | --json | Deep tokenization. Output token objects in JSON | | | format, one per line. | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------+

Other options can be specified on the command line:

+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -n | Normalize punctuation, causing e.g. quotes to be | | | | output in Icelandic form and hyphens to be | | | --normalize | regularized. This option is only applicable to | | | shallow tokenization. | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -s | Input contains strictly one sentence per line, | | | | i.e. every newline is a sentence boundary. | | | --one_sent_per_line | | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -o | Output original token text, i.e. bypass shallow | | | | tokenization. This effectively runs the tokenizer | | | --original | as a sentence splitter only. | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -m | Degree signal in tokens denoting temperature | | | --convert_measurements | normalized (200° C -> 200 °C) | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -p | Numbers combined into one token with the | | | --coalesce_percent | following token denoting percentage word forms | | | (prósent, prósentustig, hundraðshlutar) | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -g | Do not replace composite glyphs using Unicode | | | --keep_composite_glyphs | COMBINING codes with their accented/umlaut | | | counterparts | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -e | HTML escape codes replaced by their meaning, | | | --replace_html_escapes | such as &aacute; -> á | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -c | English-style decimal points and thousands | | | --convert_numbers | separators in numbers changed to Icelandic style | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | -k N | Kludgy ordinal handling defined. | | | --handle_kludgy_ordinals N | 0: Returns the original mixed word form | | | 1. Kludgy ordinal returned as pure word forms | | | 2: Kludgy ordinals returned as pure numbers | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+

Type tokenize -h or tokenize --help to get a short help message.


.. code-block:: console

$ echo "3.janúar sl. keypti   ég 64kWst rafbíl. Hann kostaði € 30.000." | tokenize
3. janúar sl. keypti ég 64kWst rafbíl .
Hann kostaði €30.000 .

$ echo "3.janúar sl. keypti   ég 64kWst rafbíl. Hann kostaði € 30.000." | tokenize --csv
19,"3. janúar","0|1|3"

$ echo "3.janúar sl. keypti   ég 64kWst rafbíl. Hann kostaði € 30.000." | tokenize --json
{"k":"BEGIN SENT"}
{"k":"DATEREL","t":"3. janúar","v":[0,1,3]}
{"k":"END SENT"}
{"k":"BEGIN SENT"}
{"k":"END SENT"}

Python module

Shallow tokenization example

An example of shallow tokenization from Python code goes something like this:

.. code-block:: python

from tokenizer import split_into_sentences

# A string to be tokenized, containing two sentences
s = "3.janúar sl. keypti   ég 64kWst rafbíl. Hann kostaði € 30.000."

# Obtain a generator of sentence strings
g = split_into_sentences(s)

# Loop through the sentences
for sentence in g:

    # Obtain the individual token strings
    tokens = sentence.split()

    # Print the tokens, comma-separated

The program outputs::


Deep tokenization example

To do deep tokenization from within Python code:

.. code-block:: python

from tokenizer import tokenize, TOK

text = ("Málinu var vísað til stjórnskipunar- og eftirlitsnefndar "
    "skv. 3. gr. XVII. kafla laga nr. 10/2007 þann 3. janúar 2010.")

for token in tokenize(text):

    print("{0}: '{1}' {2}".format(
        token.txt or "-",
        token.val or ""))


BEGIN SENT: '-' (0, None)
WORD: 'Málinu'
WORD: 'var'
WORD: 'vísað'
WORD: 'til'
WORD: 'stjórnskipunar- og eftirlitsnefndar'
WORD: 'skv.' [('samkvæmt', 0, 'fs', 'skst', 'skv.', '-')]
ORDINAL: '3.' 3
WORD: 'gr.' [('grein', 0, 'kvk', 'skst', 'gr.', '-')]
WORD: 'kafla'
WORD: 'laga'
WORD: 'nr.' [('númer', 0, 'hk', 'skst', 'nr.', '-')]
NUMBER: '10' (10, None, None)
PUNCTUATION: '/' (4, '/')
YEAR: '2007' 2007
WORD: 'þann'
DATEABS: '3. janúar 2010' (2010, 1, 3)
PUNCTUATION: '.' (3, '.')

Note the following:

The tokenize() function

To deep-tokenize a text string, call tokenizer.tokenize(text, **options). The text parameter can be a string, or an iterable that yields strings (such as a text file object).

The function returns a Python generator of token objects. Each token object is a simple namedtuple with three fields: (kind, txt, val) (further documented below).

The tokenizer.tokenize() function is typically called in a for loop:

.. code-block:: python

import tokenizer
for token in tokenizer.tokenize(mystring):
    kind, txt, val = token
    if kind == tokenizer.TOK.WORD:
        # Do something with word tokens
        # Do something else

Alternatively, create a token list from the returned generator::

token_list = list(tokenizer.tokenize(mystring))

The split_into_sentences() function

To shallow-tokenize a text string, call tokenizer.split_into_sentences(text_or_gen, **options). The text_or_gen parameter can be a string, or an iterable that yields strings (such as a text file object).

This function returns a Python generator of strings, yielding a string for each sentence in the input. Within a sentence, the tokens are separated by spaces.

You can pass the option normalize=True to the function if you want the normalized form of punctuation tokens. Normalization outputs Icelandic single and double quotes („these“) instead of English-style ones ("these"), converts three-dot ellipsis ... to single character ellipsis …, and casts en-dashes – and em-dashes — to regular hyphens.

The tokenizer.split_into_sentences() function is typically called in a for loop:

.. code-block:: python

import tokenizer
with open("example.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    # You can pass a file object directly to split_into_sentences()
    for sentence in tokenizer.split_into_sentences(f):
        # sentence is a string of space-separated tokens
        tokens = sentence.split()
        # Now, tokens is a list of strings, one for each token
        for t in tokens:
            # Do something with the token t

The correct_spaces() function

The tokenizer.correct_spaces(text) function returns a string after splitting it up and re-joining it with correct whitespace around punctuation tokens. Example::

>>> import tokenizer
>>> tokenizer.correct_spaces(
... "Frétt \n  dagsins:Jón\t ,Friðgeir og Páll ! 100  /  2  =   50"
... )
'Frétt dagsins: Jón, Friðgeir og Páll! 100/2 = 50'

The detokenize() function

The tokenizer.detokenize(tokens, normalize=False) function takes an iterable of token objects and returns a corresponding, correctly spaced text string, composed from the tokens' text. If the normalize parameter is set to True, the function uses the normalized form of any punctuation tokens, such as proper Icelandic single and double quotes instead of English-type quotes. Example::

>>> import tokenizer
>>> toklist = list(tokenizer.tokenize("Hann sagði: „Þú ert ágæt!“."))
>>> tokenizer.detokenize(toklist, normalize=True)
'Hann sagði: „Þú ert ágæt!“.'

The normalized_text() function

The tokenizer.normalized_text(token) function returns the normalized text for a token. This means that the original token text is returned except for certain punctuation tokens, where a normalized form is returned instead. Specifically, English-type quotes are converted to Icelandic ones, and en- and em-dashes are converted to regular hyphens.

The text_from_tokens() function

The tokenizer.text_from_tokens(tokens) function returns a concatenation of the text contents of the given token list, with spaces between tokens. Example::

>>> import tokenizer
>>> toklist = list(tokenizer.tokenize("Hann sagði: \"Þú ert ágæt!\"."))
>>> tokenizer.text_from_tokens(toklist)
'Hann sagði : " Þú ert ágæt ! " .'

The normalized_text_from_tokens() function

The tokenizer.normalized_text_from_tokens(tokens) function returns a concatenation of the normalized text contents of the given token list, with spaces between tokens. Example (note the double quotes)::

>>> import tokenizer
>>> toklist = list(tokenizer.tokenize("Hann sagði: \"Þú ert ágæt!\"."))
>>> tokenizer.normalized_text_from_tokens(toklist)
'Hann sagði : „ Þú ert ágæt ! “ .'

Tokenization options

You can optionally pass one or more of the following options as keyword parameters to the tokenize() and split_into_sentences() functions:

The token object

Each token is an instance of the class Tok that has three main properties: kind, txt and val.

The kind property

The kind property contains one of the following integer constants, defined within the TOK class:

+---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ Constant Value Explanation Examples +===============+=========+=====================+===========================+ PUNCTUATION 1 Punctuation . ! ; % & +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ TIME 2 Time (h, m, s) 11:35:40 kl. 7:05 klukkan 23:35 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ DATE * 3 Date (y, m, d) [Unused, see DATEABS and DATEREL] +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ YEAR 4 Year árið 874 e.Kr. 1965 44 f.Kr. +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ NUMBER 5 Number 100 1.965 1.965,34 1,965.34 2⅞ +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ WORD 6 Word kattaeftirlit hunda- og kattaeftirlit +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ TELNO 7 Telephone number 5254764 699-4244 410 4000 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ PERCENT 8 Percentage 78% +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ URL 9 URL https://greynir.is http://tiny.cc/28695y +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ ORDINAL 10 Ordinal number 30. XVIII. +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ TIMESTAMP * 11 Timestamp [Unused, see TIMESTAMPABS and TIMESTAMPREL] +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ CURRENCY * 12 Currency name [Unused] +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ AMOUNT 13 Amount €2.345,67 750 þús.kr. 2,7 mrð. USD kr. 9.900 EUR 200 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ PERSON * 14 Person name [Unused] +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ EMAIL 15 E-mail fake@news.is +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ ENTITY * 16 Named entity [Unused] +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ UNKNOWN 17 Unknown token +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ DATEABS 18 Absolute date 30. desember 1965 30/12/1965 1965-12-30 1965/12/30 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ DATEREL 19 Relative date 15. mars 15/3 15.3. mars 1911 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ TIMESTAMPABS 20 Absolute timestamp 30. desember 1965 11:34 1965-12-30 kl. 13:00 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ TIMESTAMPREL 21 Relative timestamp 30. desember kl. 13:00 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ MEASUREMENT 22 Value with a 690 MW measurement unit 1.010 hPa 220 m² 80° C +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ NUMWLETTER 23 Number followed by 14a a single letter 7B +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ DOMAIN 24 Domain name greynir.is Reddit.com www.wikipedia.org +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ HASHTAG 25 Hashtag #MeToo #12stig +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ MOLECULE 26 Molecular formula H2SO4 CO2 +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ SSN 27 Social security 591213-1480 number (kennitala) +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ USERNAME 28 Twitter user handle @username_123

+---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ | SERIALNUMBER | 29 | Serial number | | 394-5388 | | | | | | 12-345-6789 | +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ | COMPANY * | 30 | Company name | [Unused] | +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ | S_BEGIN | 11001 | Start of sentence | | +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+ | S_END | 11002 | End of sentence | | +---------------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------+

(*) The token types marked with an asterisk are reserved for the GreynirEngine package and not currently returned by the tokenizer.

To obtain a descriptive text for a token kind, use TOK.descr[token.kind] (see example above).

The txt property

The txt property contains the original source text for the token, with the following exceptions:

The val property

The val property contains auxiliary information, corresponding to the token kind, as follows:


Abbreviations recognized by Tokenizer are defined in the Abbrev.conf file, found in the src/tokenizer/ directory. This is a text file with abbreviations, their definitions and explanatory comments.

When an abbreviation is encountered, it is recognized as a word token (i.e. having its kind field equal to TOK.WORD). Its expansion(s) are included in the token's val field as a list containing tuples of the format (ordmynd, utg, ordfl, fl, stofn, beyging). An example is o.s.frv., which results in a val field equal to [('og svo framvegis', 0, 'ao', 'frasi', 'o.s.frv.', '-')].

The tuple format is designed to be compatible with the Database of Icelandic Morphology (DIM), Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls, i.e. the so-called Sigrúnarsnið.

Development installation

To install Tokenizer in development mode, where you can easily modify the source files (assuming you have git available):

.. code-block:: console

$ git clone https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer
$ cd Tokenizer
$ # [ Activate your virtualenv here, if you have one ]
$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

Test suite

Tokenizer comes with a large test suite. The file test/test_tokenizer.py contains built-in tests that run under pytest.

To run the built-in tests, install pytest <https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/>_, cd to your Tokenizer subdirectory (and optionally activate your virtualenv), then run:

.. code-block:: console

$ python -m pytest

The file test/toktest_large.txt contains a test set of 13,075 lines. The lines test sentence detection, token detection and token classification. For analysis, test/toktest_large_gold_perfect.txt contains the expected output of a perfect shallow tokenization, and test/toktest_large_gold_acceptable.txt contains the current output of the shallow tokenization.

The file test/Overview.txt (only in Icelandic) contains a description of the test set, including line numbers for each part in both test/toktest_large.txt and test/toktest_large_gold_acceptable.txt, and a tag describing what is being tested in each part.

It also contains a description of a perfect shallow tokenization for each part, acceptable tokenization and the current behaviour. As such, the description is an analysis of which edge cases the tokenizer can handle and which it can not.

To test the tokenizer on the large test set the following needs to be typed in the command line:

.. code-block:: console

$ tokenize test/toktest_large.txt test/toktest_large_out.txt

To compare it to the acceptable behaviour:

.. code-block:: console

$ diff test/toktest_large_out.txt test/toktest_large_gold_acceptable.txt > diff.txt

The file test/toktest_normal.txt contains a running text from recent news articles, containing no edge cases. The gold standard for that file can be found in the file test/toktest_normal_gold_expected.txt.
