midnight-animals / midnight-sahel-knowledge

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This is the repository for the knowledge base of the midnight project.

Sahel The Sahel region or Sahelian acacia savanna is a biogeographical region in Africa. It is the transition zone between the more humid Sudanian savannas to its south and the drier Sahara to the north (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahel).

This name was chosen, because our nicknames had animal references. We wanted to choose some geographical region, that had something to do with nature. Here, Sahel represented the a region connecting 2 more "extreme" regions: Sahara (=dry) and Savanna (=humid). Our Collective aims to also connect the more extreme sides which are represented in our world.

Project Structure

Repository setup

  1. Knowledge base (this repositoy)
  2. Monorepo for development (https://github.com/midnight-animals/midnight-highgrass-code)