midnight-madman / Loopie

1 stars 0 forks source link

Loopie Last update

Stay in the loop with everything that's happening in web3 - a simple HackerNews/RektNews-style page with the most frequently shared links

💡 Ideas for Governance

🏗 How the site is built

  1. Find last tweet id in DB
  2. Fetch new tweets with urls since last tweet id via Twitter API
  3. Find urls and save titles of the websites
  4. Build leaderboard for site based on urls shared in the previous days

🔝 Todo to improve ranking

⚙️ Config to run scripts locally



SQL Query to create Scored News Items in DB

CREATE OR REPLACE view ScoredNewsItem as
WITH Web3NewsItem as (SELECT ni.id,
                             ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT tag.title) as tags
                      FROM "NewsItem" ni
                               join "NewsItemToTag" ni2tag on ni.id = ni2tag.news_item_id
                               join "Tag" tag on ni2tag.tag_id = tag.id
                      group by ni.id
                      having 'Web3' = ANY (ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT tag.title)))
select CEIL(AVG(COALESCE(author.score, 0)) * count(DISTINCT author.twitter_id))::integer as score,
       count(DISTINCT author.twitter_id)                                                 as count_unique_authors,
       count(author.twitter_id)                                                          as author_ids,
       max(tweet.created_at)                                                             as last_tweet_date,
from Web3NewsItem inner_ni
         join "NewsItem" ni on ni.id = inner_ni.id
         join "NewsItemToTweet" ni2tweet on ni.id = ni2tweet.news_item_id
         join "Tweet" tweet on tweet.id = ni2tweet.tweet_id
         join "Author" author on tweet.author_id = author.twitter_id
where tweet.created_at::date >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 day'
group by ni.id, inner_ni.tags