midusi / LSA-T

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dataset python visualization

LSA-T: The first continuous LSA dataset

LSA-T is the first continuous Argentinian Sign Language (LSA) dataset. It contains ~22 hs of video extracted from the CN Sordos YouTube channel with spanish subtitles, joints for each signer and the infered signer if there is more than one person in a clip. Videos are in 30 FPS full HD (1920x1080). We've also developed Seni.ar, a platform for exploring, validating and augmenting LSA-T.

Files and format


This file contains labels and extra metadata for the 8459 clips. It contains the following columns:


Contains the clips in mp4, full HD 30 FPS. Their name matches their id in the labels.csv file.


Contains the joints for each person in each clip and their bounding boxes. The hdf5 dataset contains a group for each clip (accesed by the clip's id) and then a group for each signer (ids as signer_i).

Each keypoint is represented as x,y,z,confidence.

Statistics and comparison with other DBs (original paper version)

language Spanish German German Chinese Greek Korean
sign language LSA GSL GSL CSL GSL KLS
real life Yes Yes No No No No
signers 103 9 25 50 7 14
duration (h) 21.78 10.71 55.3 100+ 9.51 28
# samples 14,880 7096 33,210 25,000 10,295 14,672
# unique sentences 14,254 5672 780 100 331 105
% unique sentences 95.79% 79.93% 2.35% 0.4% 3.21% 0.71%
vocab. size (w) 14,239 2887 N/A 178 N/A 419
# singletons (w) 7150 1077 0 0 0 0
% singletons (w) 50.21% 37.3% 0% 0% 0% 0%
vocab. size (gl) - 1066 450 - 310 524
# singletons (gl) - 337 0 - 0 0
# singletons (gl) - 31.61% 0% - 0% 0%
resolution 1920x1080 210x260 776x578 1920x1080 848x480 1920x1080
fps 30 25 30 30 30 30


Deprecated, working in a new version of the loader

This repository can be installed via pip and contains the LSA_Dataset class (in lsat.dataset.LSA_Dataset module). This class inherits from the Pytorch dataset class and implements all necessary methods for using it with a Pytorch dataloader. It also manages the downloading and extraction of the database.

Also, useful transforms for the clips and keypoints are provided in lsat.dataset.transforms


    title={Lsa-t: The first continuous argentinian sign language dataset for sign language translation},
    author={Dal Bianco, Pedro and R{\'\i}os, Gast{\'o}n and Ronchetti, Franco and Quiroga, Facundo and Stanchi, Oscar and Hasperu{\'e}, Waldo and Rosete, Alejandro},
    booktitle={Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence},