mightyLake / mgt656-spring-2015-project

Class project for Yale's MGT656 in the Spring of 2015
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MGT 656 Project

Getting started

For the following instructions, we assume that you are logged into the virtual machine you are using for MGT 656.

Install the dependencies

    $ npm install
    $ bower install

Note: Bower is a dependency manager for frontend packages (css, client-side js, etc...).

And, finally, you can run the code


That will run the nodemon program, which is a nice way of running node and then restarting it when your files change. Every time your files change, it will also run http://www.jshint.com/docs/ to check your JavaScript code for bad practices.

Test your code

Type the following command in order to run the BDD tests.


That will run all the tests in test/tests.js.

Heroku App

Deployed at:


Continuously deployed off of the master branch.

What we're using

This application relies on a number of open source projects. Obviously, it is a node.js application. We are using the following components, which are built for node applications and written by people that have made them open source.