migration-test / GithubMigrate

A migration tool to migrate GitHub repositories, issues, PR's
Apache License 2.0
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GithubMigrate can be used to migrate from Github Enterprise to Github Cloud or between organizations within the same github instance, or between two github enterprise instances when access to the Github migration tool is not available.


Install Python Modules

Note: This step will go away in a future release

To install the required python modules execute the following command from inside the GithubMigrate directory.

pip install -f .\requirements.txt

How to Use

This migration tool migrates repositories using personal access tokens from a source GitHub instance to another. In this case from the self hosted GE instance of GitHub (source) to the normal Microsoft hosted GitHub (target).

There are 3 steps:

  1. Create tokens for both systems.
  2. Generate a list of repositories to be migrated, for a particular GitHub Org.
  3. Migrate the repositories from the source org to the target org.

Create a personal access tokens

You will need to generate access tokens for both the GE GitHub and normal Github. Repeat the process below for each system.

  1. Login to your Github account or GE GitHub account.
  2. In the top right, click on your profile icon, and click Settings.
  3. In the left navigation, click on Developer Settings
  4. Click on Personal access tokens
  5. Click on Generate new token

    If needed, confirm you password.

  6. In the Note field enter a description like BH Migration.

    This is just a description to identify the token usage.

  7. Under Select scopes, make sure all items are checked.

    Warning: If something is not checked, the migration will be partial.
    Note: This token will only be used by yourself and the tool.

  8. Click Generate Token. The page will refresh and display the token in a green box.
  9. Save the token from the green box somewhere safe. It cannot be retrieved again.

    If lost, just delete this token and generate a new one.

If creating the token for Normal GitHub, continue with MFA authorization. GE GitHub does not need this.

  1. Next to the newly generated token, click on Enable SSO. It will expand to show your github organizations.
  2. Find the organization(s) you need to migrate and click Authorize. Follow the usual Baker Hughes authorization process.

Generate List of Repositories

  1. Ensure all information is available from the prerequisites.
  2. Run the below command to generate a list of repo's for a given organization in the source GitHub instance. This will generate the file .\repofile.txt

    python .\main.py --sourcepat <Source Personal Access Token> --sourceuser <Source Username> --sourceorg <Source Org> --targetpat <Target Personal Access Token> --targetuser <Target Username> --targetorg <Target Organization Name> --generaterepofile

    Example: python .\main.py --sourcepat a5453d243b2e6fd9fc3fasdfawerf879aa --sourceuser 501649102 --sourceorg FooOrg --targetpat ghp_FAV4R33zocb3RkRJOLXzasdfNasdfdxrf --targetuser oscarthegrouch --targetorg BarOrg --generaterepofile

    1. Review .\repofile.txt and remove any repositories you do not want migrated.

Migrate the Repositories

Given the generated list, content is copied from the source GitHub instance to the target instance. This includes: repository, branches, pull requests, and issues. It does not include: repository settings or the wiki

  1. Ensure all information is available from the prerequisites.
  2. Ensure that a repofile.txt file has been created.
  3. Run the below command to start migration. Status updates will be returned via the console window.

    python .\main.py --sourcepat <Source Personal Access Token> --sourceuser <Source Username> --sourceorg <Source Org> --targetpat <Target Personal Access Token> --targetuser <Target Username> --targetorg <Target Organization Name> --migrate

    Example: python .\main.py --sourcepat a5453d243b2e6fd9fc3fasdfawerf879aa --sourceuser 501649102 --sourceorg FooOrg --targetpat ghp_FAV4R33zocb3RkRJOLXzasdfNasdfdxrf --targetuser oscarthegrouch --targetorg BarOrg --migrate

    Tip: Run in smaller batches so manual verification can be performed by splitting your repofile into smaller chunks and specifying with the --file command for each file.

    python .\main.py --sourcepat <Source Personal Access Token> --sourceuser <Source Username> --sourceorg <Source Org> --targetpat <Target Personal Access Token> --targetuser <Target Username> --targetorg <Target Organization Name> --file <path to repo file> --migrate

    Example: python .\main.py --sourcepat a5453d243b2e6fd9fc3fasdfawerf879aa --sourceuser 501649102 --sourceorg FooOrg --targetpat ghp_FAV4R33zocb3RkRJOLXzasdfNasdfdxrf --targetuser oscarthegrouch --targetorg BarOrg --file repofile1.txt --migrate

Known Limitations