migtools / mig-controller

OpenShift Migration Controller
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 42 forks source link



mig-controller is installed by mig-operator.

Demo Video

This video shows a CLI driven migration of a rocket-chat app and associated PersistentVolume data from OpenShift 3.11 => OpenShift 4.6.

Watch the demo


HACKING.md has instructions for:

Quick-start: CLI based migration

1. Identify a pair of running OpenShift clusters to migrate workloads between

mig-controller can help you move OpenShift application workloads from a source to a destination cluster. You'll need cluster-admin permissions on both OpenShift clusters.

2. Use mig-operator to deploy Migration Tools to both the source and destination OpenShift clusters

Use mig-operator to install selected components of Migration Tooling (mig-controller, mig-ui, velero) onto your source and destination OpenShift clusters.

After installing mig-operator, you can select which components should be installed by creating a MigrationController CR:

apiVersion: migration.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: MigrationController
  migration_velero: true
  migration_controller: true
  migration_ui: true


See mig-operator docs for more details: https://github.com/konveyor/mig-operator

3. Create Mig CRs to describe the Migration that will be performed

Before mig-controller can run a Migration, you'll need to provide it with:

To make it easier to run your first Migration with mig-controller, we've published a set of annotated sample CRs in config/samples that you can walk through and fill out values on. The first step will be to run make samples, which will copy these to migsamples.

make samples
# [... sample CR content will be copied to 'migsamples' dir, which is .gitignored]

These sample resources describe a migration where the source cluster is running the controller, so a Service Account (SA) token and cluster URL must be provided for the destination cluster only.

Inspect and edit each of the files in the 'migsamples' directory, making changes as needed. Much of the content in these sample files can stay unchanged.

As an example, you'll need to provide the following parameters to perform a Migration using an AWS S3 bucket as temporary migration storage:

Parameter Purpose Sample CR File
namespaces List of namespaces to migrate from source to destination cluster mig-plan.yaml
url Endpoint of remote cluster mig-controller will connect to cluster-remote.yaml
saToken Base64 encoded SA token used to authenticate with remote cluster sa-secret-remote.yaml
awsBucketName Name of the S3 bucket to be used for temporary Migration storage mig-storage.yaml
awsRegion Region of S3 bucket to be used for temporary Migration storage mig-storage.yaml
aws-access-key-id AWS access key to auth with AWS services mig-storage-creds.yaml
aws-secret-access-key AWS secret access key to auth with AWS services mig-storage-creds.yaml

After modifying resource yaml, create the resources on the OpenShift cluster where the controller is running.

# Option 1: Create everything in a single command
oc apply -f migsamples

# ------------------------------------------------

# Option 2: Create resources individually
cd migsamples

# Remote cluster definition, coordinates, auth details
oc apply -f sa-secret-remote.yaml
oc apply -f mig-cluster-remote.yaml

# Describes where to store data during Migration, storage auth details
oc apply -f mig-storage-creds.yaml
oc apply -f mig-storage.yaml

# Describes which clusters, storage, and namespaces should be to run a Migration
oc apply -f mig-plan.yaml

# Declares that a Migration operation should be run 
oc apply -f mig-migration.yaml

Getting a migration-controller Service Account (SA) token

For mig-controller to perform migration actions on a remote cluster, you'll need to provide a valid Service Account (SA) token granting 'cluster-admin' access to the remote cluster.

To get the SA token created by mig-operator, run the following on the remote cluster:

# Get the ServiceAccount token in a base64-encoded format to put in the remote MigCluster spec
# If you are providing this token to mig-ui, skip the base64 encoding step
oc sa get-token -n openshift-migration migration-controller | base64 -w 0

Use the base64-encoded SA token from the last command output to fill in migsamples/sa-secret-remote.yaml