miguelmoreto / labcontrole

The LabControle is a simulation software for linear control systems. It is designed to be used as an auxiliary tool for teaching classical control system theory.
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Released the first beta version of LabControl 3!

Check the Releases section: https://github.com/miguelmoreto/labcontrole/releases

New Features of LabControl 3


The LabControl is a simulation software for linear control systems. It is designed to be used as an auxiliary tool for teaching classical control system theory.

LabControl as its own website in Brazilian Portuguese that can be acessed in http://sites.google.com/site/controlelab/

You can find more information in english using the LabControle Wiki.

Some Screenshots are available https://sites.google.com/site/controlelab/screenshots.

LabControl runs on Windows (tested only in Windows 10 64bits), and Linux. In order to run from source, it is recommended Anaconda.

Running from source on Linux

It is recommended to run LabControl3 using the Anaconda enviroment. In order to run from the python source code, you will need to install de dependencies.

  1. Create a dedicated conda enviroment (optional)

    1. Switch to that envirioment
  2. Install dependencies:

    1. conda install numpy scipy matplotlib
    2. conda install pyqt
    3. conda install -c conda-forge control
    4. conda install -c conda-forge slycot
  3. Download the source code using git. Run in a command line: git clone https://github.com/miguelmoreto/labcontrole.git

  4. Enter in the created folder: cd labcontrole

  5. Run the script: Run./run.sh or python LabControl3.py


The python slycot is needed for LabControl3. If you manage to install it outside Anaconda enviroment, then you will be able to run LabControl3 without Anaconda.

Running from source on Windows

Use the same steps as Linux instructions above, using de Anaconda Prompt.


The LabControl 3 is a major update from LabControle 2. Labcontrole 2 was written originaly in Python 2.7 language. Later it was ported to python 3 and graphical library updated to PyQt5.

It depends on the folowing python packges:


Labcontrol 3 was created and is maintained by professor Miguel Moreto from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.
