miguilimzero / filament-auto-panel

Construct your Filament panel Resources and Relation Managers at execution time like magic.
MIT License
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Filament Auto Panel

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Construct your Filament panel Resources and Relation Managers at execution time like magic. This package provide custom Resources and Relation Managers classes that mounts it table, create, view and edit pages at execution time by scanning the database current table schema while still giving you the freedom to create actions, widgets and various customizations to your panel.

[!IMPORTANT] This package is intended for admin panels, similar to how Laravel Nova works + everything auto-generated. You can also think it as a database management tool. If you feels you need a more customized resource workflow, re-consider to not use this package.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require miguilim/filament-auto-panel


Before getting started with the package, you must know some behaviors that the table schema reader have. The package takes into consideration your actual table schema in the database and not your migration file. However, it is extremely important to use the correct fields in the migration in order to generate the correct columns.

An example of that is when you use the boolean() column method, Laravel will generate a tinyint(1) table column. This specific column type and length will be used by Filament Auto Panel to detect its a boolean column. If you use the tinyInteger() method, it will generate a tinyint(4) table column, and therefore will be identified as a numeric column, even if in its context it is being used as a boolean.

[!NOTE] You can overwrite this auto-detection behavior by setting the cast for the column in your model class.

Soft Deletes

The package detects if the table has soft deletes or not by checking if it has the SoftDeletes trait, by checking if getDeletedAtColumn method exists in the model. If soft deletes is detected, it will append the TrashedFilter to the table filters.

Primary Key

Filament Auto Panel tries to detect the primary key by calling the getKeyName() method from the resource / relation manager model. The primary key is searchable by default and it will also be copyable in table and infolist view.

Relationship Linking

The package tries to link any columns that ends with _id with a belongsTo relationship. It sets a searchable Select for create/edit actions, and an URL linking to the respective resource in table and infolists (if the resource exists).

[!NOTE] This linking currently do not support morphsTo detection. PRs are welcome!

Intrusive Mode

Auto Resources and Auto Relation Managers have the intrusive mode by default. When this mode is activated, the create and edit actions will not respect the $fillable and $hidden model attributes. If you would like to disable this behavior, you can set protected static bool $intrusive = false; in your resource or relation manager class.

Default Pages

By default, the Auto Resource have a list and view pages. The create and edit record is available as a modal action in the list and view pages respectively.

Default Actions

By default, Auto Resource appends the following default actions:

and Auto Relation Manager appends the following default actions:

Default Sorting

By default, the Auto Resource and Auto Relation Manager tries to set the table default sort for the following columns, in priority order respectively: primary key (only if incremented), created_at (if exists), updated_at (if exists).

[!NOTE] You can customize the defaultSort() of your table (and any other method) by extending the table(Table $table) and use parent::table($table)->defaultSort(...).

Auto Resource

You can get started by creating your first Auto Resource using the following command:

php artisan make:filament-auto-resource

This command creates the Auto Resource class for you, just as the default filament command. However, it uses the AutoResource class instead. You don't need to list anything now, you can just access the resource page and see the magic!

Auto Relation Manager

Auto Relation Manager construct a table containing the all relationship model columns, excluding the related id or morph. You can generate your Auto Relation Manager using the following command:

php artisan make:filament-auto-relation-manager

This command creates the Auto Relation Manager for you and you must list it in the getRelations() method of your resource. However, sometimes you may want something more handier. You can create a relation manager inside your resource using the RelationManagerMounter. See the following example of how it works:

use Miguilim\FilamentAutoPanel\Mounters\RelationManagerMounter;

public static function getRelations(): array
    return [
            resource: static::class,
            relation: 'userBans',
            recordTitleAttribute: 'Bans',
            visibleColumns: ['reason', 'created_at'],

Auto Action

The Auto Resource and Auto Relation Manager provides a getActions() method, however you cannot use the default Filament action on it.

Instead, you must use the AutoAction class. This action type have same methods as Filament Actions, however it provide new methods to set where the action will be shown. This is needed since there is only this array for all resource action positions.

The resource action closure always receive a collection of models. See how it works in the example below:

use Miguilim\FilamentAutoPanel\AutoAction;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

public static function getActions(): array
    return [
            ->action(fn (Collection $records) => $records->each->refund())

[!NOTE] By default the auto action are not shown anywhere, so you must set at least one of the following methods: showOnTable(), showOnBulkAction() or showOnViewPage().

Enum Dictionary

Enum dictionary is a feature available to help you formatting a value from a column for your resource. This feature sets a badge() in table and infolist, and use a Select in the form with the values you set. You can use it in the following way:

protected static array $enumDictionary = [
    'type' => [
        0 => 'Default',
        1 => 'Administrator',

You may customize the badge colors with the following syntax:

protected static array $enumDictionary = [
    'type' => [
        0 => ['Default', 'blue'],
        1 => ['Administrator', 'red'],

Visible Columns

By default all columns are shown in the Auto Resource or Auto Relation Manager table. You can customize the columns visibility using:

protected static array $visibleColumns = [
    'name', 'email', 'created_at'

This feature only sets the column default visibility in the top-right menu of your table. You can enable/disable any column visibility at any time using the panel.

[!NOTE] You cannot customize form or infolist columns visibility.

Searchable Columns

You can set searchable columns for your Auto Resource or Auto Relation Manager using:

protected static array $searchableColumns = [
    'name'  => 'global',
    'email' => 'global',

You have the following searchable options to use: global, individual or both.

Overwrite Columns

Sometimes you may want to customize the resource columns entirely, you can overwrite the table column, form field or infolist entry with the getColumnsOverwrite method:

use Filament\Tables\Columns\ImageColumn;

public static function getColumnsOverwrite(): array
    return [
        'table' => [
                ->label('Profile Photo')
        'form' => [
        'infolist' => [

[!NOTE] You cannot append new columns using this method, only overwrite detected columns. The make() parameter name must be the same as the column name in the database.


You can set widgets to the list and view pages for your Auto Resource independently in the following way:

public static function getHeaderWidgets(): array
    return [
        'list' => [
        'view' => [

public static function getFooterWidgets(): array
    return [
        'list' => [
        'view' => [

Extra Pages

You can append extra pages to your Auto Resource using the getExtraPages method:

public static function getExtraPages(): array
    return [


Filament Auto Panel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.