⚠️ This archived project is no longer active ⚠️
In one of my SotM 2011 talks, I suggested that OSM
should have regular extracts of metropolitan areas for major world cities and
their surrounding areas, regardless of state or country. This is a repository
for a bit of code to make that real. I’ve decided to use Amazon S3 to host files,
and EC2 to do the extracting. extract.sh
is a script that performs the
actual work with Osmosis and
terminates its host machine upon completion.
The fine folks at Mapzen have built a newer and more up-to-date version of Metro Extracts. Get data from mapzen.com/metro-extracts and suggest changes at mapzen/metroextractor-cities.
Extractotron is run a few times per month, to http://metro.teczno.com. If you have cities to add, you can add them directly to cities.txt and send me a pull request in Github.
cities.txt is a tab-delimited file, and has eight fields:
One of "Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Middle East", "North America", "South America", or Oceania.
It's nice to have a link back to the Geonames dataset.
top, left, bottom, right
Geographic bounding box of the metropolitan area. These should be larger rather than smaller to surrounding countryside wherever possible. For example of coverage area, see Moscow.
Short, lowercase version of the name with dashes for spaces that's used for files.
Full name of the city.
To use Extractotron yourself, use run-instance.py:
python run-instance.py <your AWS access key> <your AWS secret> <your bucket name>
By default, run-instance.py instantiates an m2.4xlarge instance with Alestic's
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid instance-store AMI ami-bffa6fd6. You can change the instance
type or AMI, see python run-instance.py --help
for details.
Currently, the cities list is very short. Help me expand it by modifying
and sending a pull request via Github.
The Makefile
generates various derived files from the cities.txt
These scripts are utilities to do the extracts, generate utility scripts, JPG previews,
and an HTML index based on the regions specified in index.html
. Note the
result of this Makefile is checked in at github so there's no immediate need to run
make on a fresh clone of the repo.
Generate the shell script osmosis.sh
which uses
Osmosis to extract subsets
of OSM based on the bounding boxes in cities.txt
Generate the shell script osm2pgsql.sh
which uses
imposm to import generated OSM metro subsets into
a PostGIS database.
Generate the shell script coastshapes.sh
which uses
ogr2ogr to generate coastline
Generate index.html
, the current HTML interface to allow download
of various extracted OSM data.
Generate the JPG images in previews
, snapshot maps of the various
metros being extracted.
The scripts generated above are then used by Extractotron to generate the actual extracts. The code for doing the extracts includes
Utility script to create an EC2 instance to run the extract. See above for details.
Template for the shell script to do the extraction. run-instance.py
substitutes pathnames for the scripts generated in the Makefile so that EC2 can
then run the extraction. See also upload-files.sh
and kill-self.sh