migvel / color_trace

Traces multiple color images using potrace. This is similar to Inkscape's Trace Bitmap function.
GNU General Public License v2.0
98 stars 40 forks source link

color_trace_multi.py v1.00 Windows exe-bundled version - Copyright (c) 2012 ukurereh

(This code was found in the thread http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=11898and and fixed).

Traces multiple color images using potrace. This is similar to Inkscape's Trace Bitmap function.

Requires Python 3.2 (or later) and the lxml library for Python 3.2 (or later).

Also, several programs must be installed for color_trace.py to function: pngquant, pngnq, ImageMagick's convert and identify, and Potrace. Their executables must be accessible from the environment path, or the location of the executables must be entered into color_trace.py (variables PNGQUANT_PATH, PNGNQ_PATH, IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_PATH, IMAGEMAGICK_IDENTIFY_PATH, and POTRACE_PATH).

USAGE: color_trace_multi.py [-h] -i src [src ...] [-o dest] [-d destdir] [-c N] [-q algorithm] [-fs | -ri] [-r paletteimg] [-s] [-p size] [-D size] [-S threshold] [-O tolerance] [-v] [--version]

trace a color image with potrace, output color SVG file

optional arguments: -h, --help, /? show this help message and exit -i src [src ...], --input src [src ...] path of input image(s) to trace, supports and ? wildcards -o dest, --output dest path of output image to save to, supports wildcard -d destdir, --directory destdir outputs to destdir -c N, --colors N [required unless -p is used instead] number of colors to reduce each image to before tracing, up to 256. Value of 0 skips color reduction (not recommended unless images are already color-reduced) -q algorithm, --quantization algorithm color quantization algorithm: mc, as, or nq. 'mc' (Median-Cut, default); 'as' (Adaptive Spatial Subdivision, may result in fewer colors); 'nq' (NeuQuant, for hundreds of colors). Disabled if --colors 0 -fs, --floydsteinberg enable Floyd-Steinberg dithering (for any quantization or -p/--palette). Warning: any dithering will greatly increase output svg's size and complexity. -ri, --riemersma enable Rimersa dithering (only for Adaptive Spatial Subdivision quantization or -p/--palette) -r paletteimg, --remap paletteimg use a custom palette image for color reduction [overrides -c and -q] -s, --stack stack color traces (recommended for more accurate output) -p size, --prescale size scale image this much before tracing for greater detail (default: 2). The image's output size is not changed. (2 is recommended, or 3 for smaller details.) -D size, --despeckle size supress speckles of this many pixels (default: 2) -S threshold, --smoothcorners threshold set corner smoothing: 0 for no smoothing, 1.334 for max (default: 1.0) -O tolerance, --optimizepaths tolerance set Bezier curve optimization: 0 for least, 5 for most (default: 0.2) -bg, --background set first color as background. This will reduce final svg filesize because in some cases its not needed. (default: False) -v, --verbose print details about commands executed by this script --version show program's version number and exit

LICENSE: (see also LICENSE.txt)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

ATTRIBUTION: color_trace.py imports from: