mihaeu / warmshowers-ios

This project aims to provide a feature rich iOS client for warmshowers.org
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Warmshowers iOS

Warmshowers iOS is an iPhone and iPad client for warmshowers.org, the hospitality community for cycling tourists.

Warmshowers iOS MapView


(*) This feature while being available is only persisting locally until v0.2 is ready

About the project

Getting started

For those who want to build and run this project:

Update dependencies

All the dependencies are bundled with the app (recommended by Cocoapod for reasons, that I can't really agree with), but if you want to update make sure you have pod installed and run pod update

Set up API

Add a file APISecrets.swift to the API folder with the following contents:

public struct APISecrets
    public static let Username = “ENTER YOUR USERNAME”
    public static let Password = “ENTER YOUR PASSWORD”

(you obviously have to fill in your credentials) and then you should be good to go.

Make sure to open the XCode workspace file and not the project file, because of the Cocoapod dependencies.

Lessons learned

Since this was my first big iOS project there were a lot of things that were new to me. Mostly I was taken by the ease with which apps can be built using Cocoa, but there were also a lot of things I didn't particularly enjoy:

So what would I do differently if I were to start over or what things am I going to change in the upcoming milestones:


If it weren't for the following projects and people I could not have realized this project in such a short time and I sure as hell would not have had as much fun doing so.

