mijalko / zookeeper_browser

MIT License
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zookeeper browser

This is python 2.7 web application for browsing zookeeper data. You can also add new nodes, delete nodes, and change node data. image


Set up virtural environment (if you want)

pip install vertualenv
virtualenv vezk
. ./vezk/bin/activate

Installing zookeeper browser

git clone https://github.com/mijalko/zookeeper_browser.git
cd zookeeper_browser
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running application

python zkbrowser.py

Application will be availabele on http://localhost:4550


Zookeeper browser is available as Docker container at https://hub.docker.com/r/mijalko/zkbrowser/ You can download container with command: docker run --name zkbrowser -d -p 4550:4550 mijalko/zkbrowser

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