mikaelsundell / icloud-snapshot

icloud-snapshot is a utility to copy an icloud directory to a snapshot directory for archival purposes
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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icloud-snapshot is a utility to copy an icloud directory to a snapshot directory for archival purposes. The utility will download and release local items when needed to save disk space.


> icloud-snapshot --help

  OVERVIEW: icloud-snapshot is a utility to copy an icloud directory to a
  snapshot directory for archival purposes.

  USAGE: icloud-snapshot <icloud_dir> <snapshot_dir> [--timecode_snapshot] [--overwrite_files] [--evict_files] [--skip_snapshot_files] [--debug]

    <icloud_dir>            icloud directory
    <snapshot_dir>          snapshot directory

    --timecode_snapshot     Timecode snapshot
    --overwrite_files       Overwrite files
    --evict_files           Evict files
    --skip_snapshot_files   Skip snapshot files
    --debug                 Debug information
    -h, --help              Show help information.

iCloud and snapshot directories

The icloud directory is typically found at <user path>/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs, append an additional path if needed. The snapshot directory is where files will be copied to. Use the --timecode_snapshot flag to add append a timecode directory.

Overwrite files

The overwrite_files flag will make sure files are overwritten. If the --timecode_snapshot is used a unique time coded directory will be created an no files need to be overwritten.

Evict files

The --evict_files flag will remove all local files stored in the icloud directory. This is useful combined with the --skip_snapshot_files flag to free up disk space without making a new snapshot.

Skip snapshot files

The --skip_snapshot_files will skip the snapshot creation, see evict files.


The --debug flag will output debug information.

Energy Saver

If the snapshot is created while the computer is locked make sure you prevent it from sleeping, see Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when display is off checkbox in Energy Saver panel in System Preferences.


Currently files starting with .. are not supported and will cause the icloud api calls to fail. Such files are reported at the end of icloud-snapshot run. At all times watch out for the progress next to the icloud icon in the finder sidebar, in rare cases the icloud daemon fails to sync and will stall the process.

Security & Privacy

The Security & Privacy settings needs to Allow icloud-snapshot, after first download open the panel in System Preferences and click Allow.


Make an icloud snapshot of all files to a local drive mounted as Backup:

> ./icloud-snapshot <user path>/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs /Volumes/Backup

Make an icloud snapshot and append a time code:

> ./icloud-snapshot <user path>/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs /Volumes/Backup  --timecode_snapshot

Evict all files (remove local copies) without making a backup

> ./icloud-snapshot <user path>/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs /Volumes/Backup  --evict_files --skip_snapshot_files


The icloud-snapshot project uses Swift Packages, create a new package:

> mkdir icloud-snapshot_macOS12-<version>
> swift build --build-path build --configuration release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64
> cp build/apple/Products/Release/icloud-snapshot ./icloud-snapshot_macOS12-<version>
> cp README.md LICENSE ./icloud-snapshot_macOS12-<version>
> tar -czf icloud-snapshot_macOS12-<version>.tar.gz icloud-snapshot_macOS12-<version>

Web Resources

GitHub page: http://github.com/mikaelsundell/icloud-snapshot