mikeferguson / code_coverage

ROS package to run coverage testing
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ROS package to run coverage testing



To use this with your ROS package:

Python rostest Support

While the C++ interface and Python-based unit tests require no modification to get coverage information, Python-based nodes run from rostest launch files need a bit of additional instrumentation turned on:


    <!-- Add an argument to the launch file to turn on coverage -->
    <arg name="coverage" default="false"/>

    <!-- This fancy line forces nodes to generate coverage -->
    <arg name="pythontest_launch_prefix" value="$(eval 'python-coverage run -p' if arg('coverage') else '')"/>

    <!-- This node will NOT generate coverage information -->
    <node pkg="example_pkg" name="publisher_node" type="publisher_node.py" />

    <!-- But this node WILL generate coverage -->
    <node pkg="example_pkg" name="subscriber_node" type="subscriber_node.py"
          launch-prefix="$(arg pythontest_launch_prefix)" />

    <!-- The test can also generate coverage information if you include the launch-prefix -->
    <test time-limit="10" test-name="sample_rostest" pkg="example_pkg" type="sample_rostest.py"
          launch-prefix="$(arg pythontest_launch_prefix)" />


In the CMakeLists, you will need to pass this argument:

add_rostest(example_rostest.test ARGS coverage:=ENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTING)