This is a work in progress.
The first generation of this robot was actually laser cut at Willow Garage in 2012 and used a 4WD differential drive base. While this allowed easy carrying of a fairly large 12V sealed lead acid battery and easy upgrades over time, the robot ground speed was too slow to really be competitive. Numerous sensor packages evolved over time on this platform.
The second generation robot was based on a 1/10th scale RC stadium truck and uses a Livox MID-360 sensor for obstacle avoidance. The robot quickly became too heavy for the stadium truck frame.
The third generation returns to a 4WD differential drive base, but with a smaller footprint and the Livox MID-360.
sudo apt install linuxptp (this automatically works for eth0)
ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher --x 0.1 --z 0.3 --pitch 0.44 --frame-id base_link --child-frame-id livox_frame
ros2 launch robomagellan offline:=true
- [lat1, lon1, alt1, heading1]
- [lat2, lon2, alt2, heading2]
- [lat3, lon3, alt3, heading3]
- [latN, lonN, altN, headingN]
Raw data bagfile for analysis and development:
ros2 bag record /base_controller/odom /gps/nmea_sentence /imu_um7/data /imu_um7/mag /imu_um7/rpy /joint_states /livox/imu /livox/lidar /robot_description /tf /tf_static
This fork works on Iron:
To test the plugin:
ros2 topic pub -r 10 /gps/fix sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix "{header: {frame_id: "map"}, status: {service: 1}, latitude: VALUE, longitude: VALUE}"