Arduino library for the 8 x signed 16 bit hardware counters available on the ESP32. This library was developed on PlatformIO.
The PCNT (Pulse Counter) module is designed to count the number of rising and/or falling edges of an input signal.
Each pulse counter unit has a 16-bit signed counter register and two channels which can be configured to either increment or decrement the counter. Each channel has a signal input that accepts signal edges to be detected, as well as a control input which can be used to enable or disable the signal input on the fly.
The count and control inputs have optional filters which can be used to discard unwanted glitches in the signal input.
The pulse counters have five watchpoints that share one interrupt. Interrupt generation can be enabled or disabled for each individual watchpoint. The watchpoints are: • Maximum / Minimum count value: Triggered when the counter value reaches the set upper or lower value. The upper limit should be a positive number, the lower limit a negative number. Additionally, this will reset the counter to 0. • Two threshold values, threshold 0 and 1. Triggered when the value is reached, the counting continues. • Zero: Triggered when the counter value is zero, the counting continues.
This library is coded for the Arduino Framework and is based on ESP-IDF release 4.4
ESP-IDF pulse counter documentation is available here :
A detailed description of the pulse counter hardware is available in Chapter 17 of the Technical Reference Manual :