mikehardy / google-analytics-java

Open Source license compatible Java API for Google Analytics
8 stars 3 forks source link

Java module #240

Open robertvazan opened 2 years ago

robertvazan commented 2 years ago

Please make this library a Java module. That will make it easier to use the library in downstream libs and apps that are Java modules themselves. Probably the easiest thing to do is to make the library an automatic module.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

If you post a PR we can collaborate, I'm happy to merge reasonable things. It's not a use case of mine though so I have no interest in working on it personally, sorry

robertvazan commented 2 years ago

I fully understand. I don't have time at the moment, but I will sure send a PR once I have some time to spare.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

Cool - it's a sincere offer to merge too, not just a polite "no" ;-). Post what you've got whenever something looks good and we can work to get it in. Cheers

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

Hey @robertvazan not sure if you are still around in this "space" (the "open source license compatible google analytics hit source" space, that is) but I saw you collaborated on the original repo, and this library is definitely in use by me.

I have been happy to just let the library quietly keep running but it looks like we have a big migration to start thinking about, from universal analytics to GA4

https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/11583528 Protocol spec https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/ga4

Are you still a user of this library (or the upstream one)? Just curious.

The original main feature of this fork is using OkHTTP as it's underlying HTTP transport - that was my reason for forking, so that it was more compatible with Android (my use case). Since then it developed a second feature of using CompletableFuture for it's calls but otherwise it was same as upstream.

Since then, upstream merged (finally!) a bunch of the outstanding PRs, and some looked good. I'd like to find a way to put it all together again so there's one good OSS-compatible library with all the worthwhile features, compatible with Android use cases, and compatible with GA4.

But I'm not sure the best way yet and I thought a useful start would be to see if you have any thoughts, see whether you are even using the library at the moment, and see if you had any interest in collaborating. The upstream developer was open to collaboration last time I checked as well and though the velocity in that repo is not super high the quality is good (in my opinion). May be possible to still have everyone together even if it's via a persistent branch that upstream slowly integrates.

Either way, cheers :wave:

robertvazan commented 2 years ago

@mikehardy I am still using the library but not heavily. I found workarounds for existing issues and hence I have no pressing need to contribute. I am also considering migration to self-hosted analytics (GDPR and stuff). But anyways, good luck with the project. I might benefit from the improvements.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

Understood @robertvazan thanks for taking the time to reply back I have a pressing need to contribute since I haven't found another library but not a pressing desire :laughing: , I guess at the end I will really really understand GA4 though. Cheers