mikehardy / google-analytics-java

Open Source license compatible Java API for Google Analytics
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Java API for Google Analytics Measurement Protocol, with the Open Source compatible Apache 2.0 license

The library is available from Maven Central. Add the following dependency, replacing $google-analytics-version with the current stable version number:




implementation 'net.mikehardy:google-analytics-java:$google-analytics-version'

Others: Check Here

To get a local build, do

git clone https://github.com/mikehardy/google-analytics-java.git
mvn install

View Javadocs here

The fluent API is very easy to use, with sensible default options.

The library uses Java 1.8 features only available in Android7/API24/Nougat or higher, but there is a supported version compatible with Java 1.7 (and Android down to at least API 15) using the fairly amazing Java streamsupport / completable-futures compatibility library. If you need that, you'll just want to alter the dependency to use the "google-analytics-java7" artifact instead of "google-analytics-java"


This library implements the measurement protocol with following features.



Before using the library to post events, GoogleAnalytics instance needs to be initialized. Once it is initialized, same instance can be used to post events across multiple threads and instance is designed to be thread-safe.

It can be initialized with two types of information. Set of information called configuration (via GoogleAnalyticsConfig), which is used by the library and default request settings (DefaultRequest), which defines the default attributes for all subsequent requests.

Builder also provides typed methods to set most-relevant attributes of default request for readability.

Simplified initialization with all defaults is as follows.

ga = GoogleAnalytics.builder()

To build with custom configuration:

ga = GoogleAnalytics.builder()
        .withConfig(new GoogleAnalyticsConfig().setBatchingEnabled(true).setBatchSize(10))

To build with custom configuration and some default request attributes:

ga = GoogleAnalytics.builder()
        .withConfig(new GoogleAnalyticsConfig().setBatchingEnabled(true).setBatchSize(10))
        .withDefaultRequest(new DefaultRequest().userIp("").trackingId("UA-00000000"))

Note that tracking id can be set to one value for all requests (using default request attributes) or it can be set on per request basis.

Sending Events

To send requests, create one of the event type requests, configure the values for that event and call send().

Here are some examples:


    .documentPath("/" + entry.getPage())
    .clientId("Some Id")
    .customDimension(1, "Product")
    .customDimension(1, "Version")



Async Posting

Sending request to Google Analytics is network call and hence it may take a little bit of time. If you would like to avoid this overhead, you can opt in to send requests asynchronously.

Executor is created to process the requests async with default config of minThreads=0, maxThreads=5, threadFormat=googleanalyticsjava-thread-{0}, threadTimeoutSecs=300, queueSize=1000. rejectExecutor=CallerRunsPolicy.

If you want to change these values, configure them before building GoogleAnalytics instance. You can also set your own executor in the config, in that case that executor will be used.

To send request async, call .sendAsync() instead of .send() as follows



Google Analytics api supports sending events in batch to reduce the network overhead. Batching is disabled by default but it can be enabled using batchingEnabled config. This needs to be set before Google Analytics is built.

Once batching is enabled, usage is same as non-batching. Upon submission, request will be held in a internal list and upon reaching the batch limit, it will be posted to Google api. Note that batching can be used along with Async posting and it work in the same way.

Max batch size is 20 requests and that is the default, which can be changed using config batchSize

Master Switch

Library provides a master switch with config enabled. If set to false then requests will be accepted and silently dropped. This config variable can be changed before or after building the ga instance.

Discovering Request Parameters

Library tries to discover some default request parameters, which is controlled via config discoverRequestParameters with default value of true. Parameters are discovered during the building process so it is one time activity.

It discovers following parameters:

To discover screen resolution and colors, it needs access to java.awt. Since not all environments have access to awt, it is not enabled by default. If would like to use it, set config requestParameterDiscoverer to instance of AwtRequestParameterDiscoverer

Http Client

Library abstracts http client interaction via HttpClient interface with default implementation based on Apache HttpClient. If you want to use your own version of http client, set config httpClient.

Release Notes

Version 2.0.11 - Mar 3 2020

Version 2.0.10 - Jan 6 2019

Version 2.0.9 - Dec 19 2019

Version 2.0.8 - Jun 27 2019

Version 2.0.7 - Feb 19 2019

Version 2.0.6 - Dec 12 2018

Version 2.0.5 - Dec 12 2018

Version 2.0.4 - Oct 14 2018

Version 2.0.3 - Oct 12 2018

Version 2.0.2 - Oct 12 2018

Version 2.0.1 - Oct 02 2018

Version 2.0.0 - Jan 24 2018

Version 1.1.2 - Apr 29 2015

Version 1.1.1 - May 21 2014 -- * Fixed the issue #14. Https Collection url has been updated to latest one. * Fixed the issue #15. Added new parameter User Id (uid). As part of this, another change was made to move initializing the default ClientId parameter from GoogleAnalyticsRequest to DefaultRequest. This way, whatever the default clientid you use, will be used for all requests. Previously, default client id wasn't referred. Version 1.1.0 - Apr 22 2014 -- * Fixed the issue #5. Fix changes some of the existing behavior. If you are using discover system parameters, then by default Screen Colors and Screen Resolution will not be populated. If you would like, you need to set AwtRequestParameterDiscoverer in the GoogleAnalyticsConfig before initializing the GoogleAnalytics. This change is to ensure that it can be used in a environment where JVM has no access to java.awt.* classes. Version 1.0.5 - Apr 09 2014 -- * Fixed the issue #12 Version 1.0.4 - Mar 3 2014 -- * Fixed the issue #8 Version 1.0.3 - Jan 20 2014 -- * Fixed the issue #6 Development Notes == * To release (assuming you have maven / sonatype permission), `mvn release:prepare` then `mvn release:perform` Other Implementations == This is a fork of what I still consider the "upstream" version here: https://github.com/brsanthu/google-analytics-java Santosh Kumar created what I believe is the best open-source Java google analytics client. My only reason for forking was a desire for a large number of changes rapidly and I didn't see PRs being accepted in the main repo - no other reason and an eventual merge would be fine. In the same manner: please fork this repo and move forward if I don't respond to you :-) There are few Java implementation of Google Analytics api, but found some issues (or protocol mismatch) with each of them. https://github.com/nhnopensource/universal-analytics-java * Doesn't implement all parameters of Measurement Protocol. * Cannot specify default parameters * Only one unit test case and coverage is very minimal * Uses Legacy Apache Http Client (3.x) https://code.google.com/p/jgoogleanalyticstracker/ * Implements Legacy Google Analytics protocol https://github.com/siddii/jgoogleanalytics * Implements Legacy Google Analytics protocol