I have an issue with one of SFTP server I use.
SftpEx.stream!successfully connects to the server and even creates a zero-size file in it. But then it hangs out for a while and fails with the error:
[error] {:error, :closed}
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in anonymous fn/2 in Collectable.SFTP.Stream.into/3
(sftp_ex) lib/sftp/stream.ex:26: anonymous fn/2 in Collectable.SFTP.Stream.into/3
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :closed}
(ssh) ssh_sftp.erl:467: :ssh_sftp.write_file/4
(sftp_ex) lib/sftp/transfer_service.ex:42: SFTP.TransferService.upload/3
SftpEx.uploadbehaves the same way.
Another SFTP server works perfectly, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with sftp_ex or with server configuration.
Hi, @mikejdorm ! Thanks for the tool!
I have an issue with one of SFTP server I use.
successfully connects to the server and even creates a zero-size file in it. But then it hangs out for a while and fails with the error:and
behaves the same way.Another SFTP server works perfectly, so I'm not sure if this is an issue with sftp_ex or with server configuration.
Need your helpfull opinion! Thanks.