An Elixir wrapper around the Erlang SFTP application. This allows for the use of Elixir Streams to transfer files via SFTP.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
Add sftp_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
and mix deps.get
from a terminal:
def deps do
[{:sftp_ex, "~> 0.3.0"}]
config :sftp_ex, :host, "" # no default
config :sftp_ex, :user, "mr_anderson" # no default
config :sftp_ex, :port, 2337 # defaults to 22
config :sftp_ex, :cert, "fake" # no default and you should inject this value
config :sftp_ex, :password, "worst_password_ever" # no default and you should inject this value
config :sftp_ex, :key_cb, YourKeyProvider # only change this if you know what you're doing and you want to handle your key provider yourself
config :sftp_ex, :timeout, 60_000 # defaults to 3_600_000 (an hour), you can set it to :infinity if you really want to
The following is an example of creating a connection with a username and password.
{:ok, connection} = SftpEx.connect([host: "somehost", user: "someuser", password: "somepassword"])
You could put all of these values in config and load them at runtime and start with no args.
{:ok, connection} = SftpEx.connect()
Do not put sensitive information in configs such as passwords or certs. Instead use a file which is not committed to your repo or a secret holding service like Vault. Then you can inject these values at runtime using Application.put_env/2
Other connection arguments can be found in the Erlang documentation
For some operations you'll need a file handle. To get one use open/3 conn, "remote_path")
Most things that one would think should have a timeout have a timeout. You can use the default one or your own timeout set in config and/or you can put it as an optional final arguent in most function calls.
An example of writing a file to a server is the following.
stream =!("filename.txt")
|> Stream.into(!(connection,"/home/path/filename.txt"))
A file can be downloaded as follows - in this example a remote file "test2.csv" is downloaded to the local file "filename.txt"!(connection,"test2.csv") |> Stream.into(!("filename.txt")) |>
or using Enum.into!(connection, "test2.csv") |> Enum.into(!("filename.txt"))
This follows the same pattern as Elixir IO streams so a file can be transferred from one server to another via SFTP as follows.
stream =!(connection,"/home/path/filename.txt")
|> Stream.into(!(connection2,"/home/path/filename.txt"))
SftpEx.upload(connection, "remote_path", data), "remote_path/carrot_recipes.txt"), "remote_path/cat_vids"), "remote_path/cat_vids")
SftpEx.mkdir(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids")
SftpEx.lstat(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
## or
SftpEx.lstat(connection, handle)
SftpEx.size(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
## or
SftpEx.size(connection, handle)
or :directory
SftpEx.get_type(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
SSftpEx.rm(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
SSftpEx.rm_dir(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
SSftpEx.rm_dir(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4", "remote_path/cat_vids/old_cat_on_trampoline.mp4")
SSftpEx.append(connection, "remote_path/cat_vids/cat_on_trampoline.mp4", more_data)
There is a lot of functionality exposed that isn't made available at the highest level that you can still utilize. Just dig into the code a bit and you'll see how.
Also as this is just a wrapper for :ssh_sftp
you can still use anything in that lib and it will play nice with this one.