mikel-egana-aranguren / Transparent-Relations-Ontology

TRO offers a vocabulary to publish information about relations that should be more transparent, usually between powerful parties
Apache License 2.0
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License DOI Quality Widoco

Transparent Relations Ontology


Transparent Relations Ontology (TRO) offers a vocabulary to publish information about relations that should be more transparent, usually between powerful parties, to detect potential conflicts of interests: for example, governments and their providers, or politicians and their personal relationships. Research journalism and Open Data are two areas in which this sort of data is growing, and new methods and standards are needed to cope with the (FAIR) publication and consumption of such data.

TRO provides the vocabulary for the following projects:

Related projects:

HTTP Access

TRO has a persistent URI thanks to W3ID:

Best practices

Feel free to contribute in any way, with pull requests, issues, etc. We try to follow the best practices from Best Practices for Implementing FAIR Vocabularies and Ontologies on the Web and other resources as described in the guidelines bellow.


We loosely stick to GitFlow and Semantic Versioning so basically:

Ontology quality

The main OWL file in Turtle lives at development/TransparentRelationsOntology.ttl, and it is produced using Protégé.

The quality is checked by executing different tests:

A GitHub actions workflow checks the quality after every push or pull request to develop with changes in the development/ directory as defined in the GitHub Actions YAML file: .github/workflows/quality.yml (If you want to skip quality checks, add [skip actions] to the commit message). Important note: every time OQuaRE is executed new files appear in GitHub, so pull to your local repo regularly.


The documentation is generated by the Docker version of Widoco. Execute widoco.sh: it will take development/TransparentRelationsOntology.ttl as input and it will generate the HTML files in release/.