mikepenz / multiplatform-markdown-renderer

Markdown renderer for Kotlin Multiplatform Projects (Android, iOS, Desktop), using Compose.
Apache License 2.0
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Kotlin Multiplatform Markdown Renderer

... a Kotlin Multiplatform Markdown Renderer. (Android, Desktop, ...) powered by Compose Multiplatform

What's included 🚀Setup 🛠️Usage 🛠️License 📓

What's included 🚀


Using Gradle


For multiplatform projects specify this single dependency: ```kotlin dependencies { implementation("com.mikepenz:multiplatform-markdown-renderer:${version}") // Offers Material 2 defaults for Material 2 themed apps (com.mikepenz.markdown.m2.Markdown) implementation("com.mikepenz:multiplatform-markdown-renderer-m2:${version}") // Offers Material 3 defaults for Material 3 themed apps (com.mikepenz.markdown.m3.Markdown) implementation("com.mikepenz:multiplatform-markdown-renderer-m3:${version}") } ```


To use the library on JVM, you have to include: ```kotlin dependencies { implementation("com.mikepenz:multiplatform-markdown-renderer-jvm:${version}") } ```


For Android a special dependency is available: ```kotlin dependencies { implementation("com.mikepenz:multiplatform-markdown-renderer-android:${version}") } ```

[!TIP] Since 0.13.0 the core library does not depend on a Material theme anymore. Include the -m2 or -m3 module to get access to the defaults.


val markdown = """
### What's included 🚀

- Super simple setup
- Cross-platform ready
- Lightweight

Advanced Usage

The library offers the ability to modify different behaviour when rendering the markdown. ### Provided custom style ```kotlin Markdown( content, colors = markdownColors(text = Color.Red), typography = markdownTypography(h1 = MaterialTheme.typography.body1) ) ``` ### Extended spans Starting with 0.16.0 the library includes support for [extended-spans](https://github.com/saket/extended-spans). > The library was integrated to to make it multiplatform compatible. All credits for its > functionality goes to [ Saket Narayan](https://github.com/saket). It is not enabled by default, however you can enable it quickly by configuring the `extendedSpans` for your `Markdown` composeable. Define the `ExtendedSpans` you want to apply (including optionally your own custom ones) and return it. ```kotlin Markdown( content, extendedSpans = markdownExtendedSpans { val animator = rememberSquigglyUnderlineAnimator() remember { ExtendedSpans( RoundedCornerSpanPainter(), SquigglyUnderlineSpanPainter(animator = animator) ) } } ) ``` ### Extend Annotated string handling The library already handles a significant amount of different tokens, however not all. To allow special integrations expand this, you can pass in a custom `annotator` to the `Markdown` composeable. This `annotator` allows you to customize existing handled tokens, but also add new ones. ```kotlin Markdown( content, annotator = markdownAnnotator { content, child -> if (child.type == GFMElementTypes.STRIKETHROUGH) { append("Replaced you :)") true // return true to consume this ASTNode child } else false } ) ``` ### Adjust List Ordering ```kotlin // Use the bullet list symbol from the original markdown CompositionLocalProvider(LocalBulletListHandler provides { "$it " }) { Markdown(content) } // Replace the ordered list symbol with `A.)` instead. CompositionLocalProvider(LocalOrderedListHandler provides { "A.) " }) { Markdown(content, Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(16.dp).verticalScroll(scrollState)) } ``` ### Custom Components Since v0.9.0 it is possible to provide custom components, instead of the default ones. This can be done by providing the components `MarkdownComponents` to the `Markdown` composable. Use the `markdownComponents()` to keep defaults for non overwritten components. The `MarkdownComponent` will expose access to the `content: String`, `node: ASTNode`, `typography: MarkdownTypography`, offering full flexibility. ```kotlin // Simple adjusted paragraph with different Modifier. val customParagraphComponent: MarkdownComponent = { MarkdownParagraph(it.content, it.node, Modifier.align(Alignment.End)) } // Full custom paragraph example val customParagraphComponent: MarkdownComponent = { // build a styled paragraph. (util function provided by the library) val styledText = buildAnnotatedString { pushStyle(LocalMarkdownTypography.current.paragraph.toSpanStyle()) buildMarkdownAnnotatedString(content, it.node) pop() } // define the `Text` composable Text( styledText, modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.End), textAlign = TextAlign.End ) } // Define the `Markdown` composable and pass in the custom paragraph component Markdown( content, components = markdownComponents( paragraph = customParagraphComponent ) ) ```

Image Loading

Starting with 0.21.0 the library does not include image loading by default, however exposes 2 modules for either coil2 or coil3 dependencies. The chosen image transformer implementation has to be passed to the Markdown API.


// Offers coil2 (Coil2ImageTransformerImpl)
    imageTransformer = Coil2ImageTransformerImpl,

[!NOTE] 0.21.0 adds JVM support for this dependency via HTTPUrlConnection -> however this is expected to be removed in the future.

Please refer to the official coil2 documentation on how to adjust the ImageLoader


// Offers coil3 (Coil3ImageTransformerImpl)
    imageTransformer = Coil3ImageTransformerImpl,

Please refer to the official coil3 documentation on how to adjust the SingletonImageLoader

The coil3 module does depend on SNAPSHOT builds of coil3


This project uses JetBrains markdown Multiplatform Markdown processor as dependency to parse the markdown content.

Developed By


This free, open source software was also made possible by a group of volunteers that put many hours of hard work into it. See the CONTRIBUTORS.md file for details.


Big thanks to Erik Hellman and his awesome article on Rendering Markdown with Jetpack Compose, and the related source MarkdownComposer.

Also huge thanks to Saket Narayan for his great work on the extended-spans project. Ported into this project to make it multiplatform.

Fork License

Copyright for portions of the code are held by [Erik Hellman, 2020] as part of project MarkdownComposer under the MIT license. All other copyright for project multiplatform-markdown-renderer are held by [Mike Penz, 2023] under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Copyright 2024 Mike Penz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.