mikepound / opencubes

A community improved version of the polycubes project!
MIT License
44 stars 23 forks source link


This code is associated with the Computerphile video on generating polycubes. The original repository may be found here. That version is unchanged from my original video, so that those watching for the first time can find and use the original code, and make improvements to it themselves. This repository is for those looking to contribute to a faster and better optimised version, driven by improvements from Computerphile viewers!


A polycube is a set of cubes in any configuration in which all cubes are orthogonally connected - share a face. This code calculates all the variations of 3D polycubes for any size (time permitting!).



This repository contains 3 solutions written in 3 languages Python, C++, and Rust. each sub folder contains a README with instructions on how to run them.

Improving the code

This repo already has some improvements included, and will happily accept more via pull request. Some things you might think about:


This version welcomes contributors!
