mikesmullin / vanilla-js

jQuery-like Aliases (NOT Wrappers) to HTML5 Selector API / Raw Document
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Vanilla JS - fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework

jQuery-like Aliases (NOT Wrappers) to HTML5 Selector API / Raw Document

Inspired by the classic parody vanilla-js.com.


# btw its XHR, not AJAX
# in Node.js callback style
$.xhr 'GET', 'http://coffeescript.org/robots.txt', '', (err, data, status, xhr) ->
  return console.log err, data, status, xhr, xhr.readyState, xhr.status if err
  console.log status
  console.log data

p = $.liveTag('p')
pp = $.all('p')
console.log p.length
console.log pp.length
#console.log $.one('body').append($.create('p'))
console.log $.create('p').appendTo($.one('body'))
console.log p.length # will be +1
console.log pp.length # will be same as before

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Commented code is in ./coffee/
