mikhail-m1 / axe

AWS CloudWatch log viewer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AWS CloudWatch log CLI viewer Latest version

Axe is another tool to get logs from AWS CloudWatch.



The easiest option is to install cargo through rustup and then run cargo install cw-axe.


Run cw-axe -h to see all options.

Run cw-axe log /aws/log/group/name log-stream/name to view a log screen in the terminal.

If you want to see all available log groups for your profile run cw-axe groups and cw-axe streams for streams.

If you don't have AWS_PROFILE environment variable set, you can use -p <profile name>.

Global options

 -p, --profile AWS profile
 -c, --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>


  log      show logs
  groups   show log groups
  streams  show log group streams
  alias    add or rewrite alias, use with with -- after alias to pass args
  aliases  print all aliases
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


  <GROUP>   group name
  <STREAM>  stream name

  -s, --start <START>
          start time, the time can be defines as
          * RFC 3339, ex:
              * 2024-01-02T03:04:05.678Z
              * 2024-01-02T03:04:05+1
          * offset from now, in days(d), hours(h), minutes(m), seconds(s) ex:
              * 10m - 10 minutes
              * 100 - 100 seconds
              * 1m30s
          * local time of day, ex:
              * 12:34
          * UTC time of day, ex:
              * 12:34Z
          * [default: 60m]
  -e, --end <END>
          end time, format is the same as for start
  -l, --length <LENGTH>
          either length or end is used, the format is same as offset for start
  -f, --filter <FILTER>
          AWS CloudWatch filter https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html
          * 'A B' - the log has to contain A and B
          * '"A B"' - exact match
          * '?A ?B' - matches with A or B
          * 'A -B' - matches with lines contains A and no B
          * '%\s[A-Z]{4}\s%' - regex
  -r, --message-regexp <MESSAGE_REGEXP>
          replace regexp
          '<delimiter char><regexp><the same delimiter char><replacement>'
          example: '/(\d{4} [^|]+/$1'
  -d, --datetime-format <DATETIME_FORMAT>
          ouput datetime format https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html [default: "%d%b %H:%M:%S%.3f"]
  -u, --ui
          show results in UI
      --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>
          number records in a chunk, maximum is 10k [default: 1000]


cw-axe supports creating saved aliases to re-run commands.

For example:

# This is the command you want to re-run:
cw-axe -p my-profile log my-group my-stream -r '#^2024#24'

# Create the alias by adding `alias <name> --`:
cw-axe alias my-alias --  -p my-profile log my-group my-stream -r '#^2024#24

# Now, you can use the alias:
cw-axe my-alias

Supported platforms

It might work on Windows as well, but config is in the common Unix-like directory, so it might require some minor changes.

Known bugs:


Results can be shown in the UI (made with egui), if the ui feature is enabled (enabled by default).

Currently, it's limited to the current query results only. I have plans to implement a fully functional UI one day.