miki725 / alchemy-mock

SQLAlchemy mock helpers.
82 stars 15 forks source link
mock sqlalchemy testing

=============== SQLAlchemy Mock

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SQLAlchemy mock helpers.


You can install alchemy-mock using pip::

$ pip install alchemy-mock


SQLAlchemy is awesome. Unittests are great. Accessing DB during tests - not so much. This library provides easy way to mock SQLAlchemy's session in unittests while preserving ability to do sane asserts. Normally SQLAlchemy's expressions cannot be easily compared as comparison on binary expression produces yet another binary expression::

>>> type((Model.foo == 5) == (Model.bar == 5))
<class 'sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression'>

But they can be compared with this library::

>>> ExpressionMatcher(Model.foo == 5) == (Model.bar == 5)


ExpressionMatcher can be directly used::

>>> from alchemy_mock.comparison import ExpressionMatcher
>>> ExpressionMatcher(Model.foo == 5) == (Model.foo == 5)

Alternatively AlchemyMagicMock can be used to mock out SQLAlchemy session::

>>> from alchemy_mock.mocking import AlchemyMagicMock
>>> session = AlchemyMagicMock()
>>> session.query(Model).filter(Model.foo == 5).all()

>>> session.query.return_value.filter.assert_called_once_with(Model.foo == 5)

In real world though session can be interacted with multiple times to query some data. In those cases UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock can be used which combines various calls for easier assertions::

>>> from alchemy_mock.mocking import UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock
>>> session = UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock()

>>> m = session.query(Model)
>>> q = m.filter(Model.foo == 5)
>>> if condition:
...     q = q.filter(Model.bar > 10).all()
>>> data1 = q.all()
>>> data2 = m.filter(Model.note == 'hello world').all()

>>> session.filter.assert_has_calls([
...     mock.call(Model.foo == 5, Model.bar > 10),
...     mock.call(Model.note == 'hello world'),
... ])

Also real-data can be stubbed by criteria::

>>> from alchemy_mock.mocking import UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock
>>> session = UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock(data=[
...     (
...         [mock.call.query(Model),
...          mock.call.filter(Model.foo == 5, Model.bar > 10)],
...         [Model(foo=5, bar=11)]
...     ),
...     (
...         [mock.call.query(Model),
...          mock.call.filter(Model.note == 'hello world')],
...         [Model(note='hello world')]
...     ),
...     (
...         [mock.call.query(AnotherModel),
...          mock.call.filter(Model.foo == 5, Model.bar > 10)],
...         [AnotherModel(foo=5, bar=17)]
...     ),
... ])
>>> session.query(Model).filter(Model.foo == 5).filter(Model.bar > 10).all()
[Model(foo=5, bar=11)]
>>> session.query(Model).filter(Model.note == 'hello world').all()
[Model(note='hello world')]
>>> session.query(AnotherModel).filter(Model.foo == 5).filter(Model.bar > 10).all()
[AnotherModel(foo=5, bar=17)]
>>> session.query(AnotherModel).filter(Model.note == 'hello world').all()

Finally UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock can partially fake session mutations such as session.add(instance). For example::

>>> session = UnifiedAlchemyMagicMock()
>>> session.add(Model(pk=1, foo='bar'))
>>> session.add(Model(pk=2, foo='baz'))
>>> session.query(Model).all()
[Model(foo='bar'), Model(foo='baz')]
>>> session.query(Model).get(1)
>>> session.query(Model).get(2)

Note that its partially correct since if added models are filtered on, session is unable to actually apply any filters so it returns everything::

session.query(Model).filter(Model.foo == 'bar').all() [Model(foo='bar'), Model(foo='baz')]