mikishapiro / armbuild

arm fedora deployer
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Playbook to deploy Fedora 32 on a Raspberry Pi 4 using the boot partition and kernel from Raspbian.

First, prepare your systems. Three "roles" ("roles" in the generic sense of the word in English, not "Ansible Roles") need to be performed -

These can be the same machine but don't have to be.

Clone this git repository onto the base system.

Then, on the base machine:

Step 1:

dnf -y install ansible git 

Step 2:

edit the inventory file with the settings you want.

Step 3:


cd armbuild

ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy.yml

Add -vvv for gore.

A writeup of how to use this can be found here:


There's a known issue where if there already is an LVM volume group on your machine named "fedora", the downloaded aarch64 Fedora image won't get properly mounted by the playbook.

If you need a kernel different from the default Raspbian one, refer:
