miklosme / gl-react-color-blending

:art: Color blending for gl-react (Photoshop blend modes)
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Color blending shaders for gl-react and gl-react-expo.

Implementations from jamieowen/glsl-blend.

Check out the example React Native app in the examples folder.

cd examples/color-blending && npm install && npm start


⚠️This is just a collection of shaders, and a gl-react Node component, don't expect an advance project. Before you start using it, check out the component in src/index.js, and make sure you understand what does this project can do for you.


npm install gl-react gl-react-color-blending --save

Usage with gl-react-expo

import { Surface } from 'gl-react-expo';
import ColorBlending from 'gl-react-color-blending';

// ...

<Surface style={{ width: WINDOW_WIDTH, height: 300 }}>
        color={[0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 1]}
      {{ uri: 'https://i.imgur.com/iPKTONG.jpg' }}

color: must be a array with the length of 4 (RGBA format). Values must be a real value between 0 and 1.

blendMode is a string, one of the followings:

  1. blendAdd
  2. blendAverage
  3. blendColorBurn
  4. blendColorDodge
  5. blendDarken
  6. blendDifference
  7. blendExclusion
  8. blendHardLight
  9. blendHardMix
  10. blendLighten
  11. blendLinearBurn
  12. blendLinearDodge
  13. blendLinearLight
  14. blendMultiply
  15. blendNegation
  16. blendNormal
  17. blendOverlay
  18. blendPhoenix
  19. blendPinLight
  20. blendReflect
  21. blendScreen
  22. blendSoftLight
  23. blendSubstract
  24. blendSubtract
  25. blendVividLight

Other API

import ColorBlending, { blendNames, blendShaderCodes } from 'gl-react-color-blending';

blendNames: Every supported blend mode as an array of strings.

blendShaderCodes: Shader codes in plain text (glsl code). You can inject it to your own shader.
