mikolmogorov / maf2synteny

A tool for recovering synteny blocks from multiple alignment
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A tool that postprocesses whole genome alignment (for two or more genomes) and produces coarse-grained synteny blocks. Currently, either Cactus or SibeliaZ alignments are supported.

This tool is originally a part of Ragout package.



Building requires C++11 compiler and development environent installed in your system


    Usage: maf2synteny [-o out_dir] [-s simpl_params] [-m block_sizes] alignment_file

    positional arguments:
       alignment_file   path to alignment file in maf or gff format

    optional arguments:
       -o out_dir   path to the output directory [default = .]
       -s simpl_params  path to a file with simplifcation parameters [default = not set]
       -b block_sizes   comma-separated list of synteny block scales [default = 5000]


maf2synteny takes as input whole genome alignment in .maf or .gff formats. The tool is optimized to work with Cactus or SibeliaZ alignments. Other tools that generate alignments in similar format might not be supported.

The main reason for that is that maf2synteny expect all local alignments to be non-overlapping, which is a very specific kind of whole genome alignmet. Such alignment characterizes all repeated elements in the genome(s) in the alphabet of maximum non-overlapping units. If the input alignmet does not have this property, maf2synteny will likely not be able to produce good-quality synteny blocks.

Simplification parameters

One can specify custom graph simplification parameters to control the granularity of produced synteny blocks. The paramers could be supplied in a text file, where each line contains two numbers: min_block max_gap. Please refer to the paper below for the explanation how these parameters control the block generation rpcedure.

Default parameters: {30, 10}, {100, 100}, {500, 1000}, {1000, 5000}, {5000, 15000}
