mikoskinen / Blazor.AdaptiveCards

Adaptive Cards for Blazor
MIT License
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adaptive-cards blazor


Adaptive Cards for Blazor is a community project that provides Adaptive Cards support for your Blazor applications.

Adaptive Cards for Blazor Logo

Adaptive Cards are a way to exchange content in a common and consistent way. Adaptive Cards can be integrated into different applications like Microsoft Teams and Outlook. Adaptive Cards can also be integrated into custom applications built with .NET, iOS and JavaScript. And now Blazor, the new Web App platform from Microsoft is supported.


Feature Highlights

Adaptive Cards for Blazor provides components for displaying Adaptive Cards inside your Blazor Application. Here's few of the most notable features of this library:

Project home

Adaptive Cards for Blazor's home site is located at https://adaptivecardsblazor.com/.

Project's source code is available from GitHub. GitHub can be used to report any suggestions or issues.


Adaptive Cards for Blazor targets .NET Core 3.1. Please also note that the library has been tested with the server side version of Blazor.


Getting started

Getting Started guide is available through the project's home site.

Quick start

Add NuGet

Install-Package AdaptiveCardsBlazor

Configure Startup.cs

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)



Configure _Imports.razor

@using AdaptiveCards.Blazor

Add JS interop into _Host.cshtml

    <script src="https://github.com/mikoskinen/Blazor.AdaptiveCards/raw/master/_content/AdaptiveCardsBlazor/adaptiveCardsJsInterop.js"></script>

Create the schema in Index-component

@code {
    string schema = @"{
      ""$schema"": ""http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json"",
      ""type"": ""AdaptiveCard"",
      ""version"": ""1.2"",
      ""body"": [
          ""type"": ""TextBlock"",
          ""text"": ""Adaptive Cards for Blazor simple example""

Render the card by adding component into page

        <AdaptiveCard Schema="@schema"></AdaptiveCard>

Full source code of index.razor

@page "/"

<AdaptiveCard Schema="@schema"></AdaptiveCard>

    string schema = @"{
      ""$schema"": ""http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json"",
      ""type"": ""AdaptiveCard"",
      ""version"": ""1.2"",
      ""body"": [
          ""type"": ""TextBlock"",
          ""text"": ""Adaptive Cards for Blazor simple example""


Adaptive Cards for Blazor is created by Mikael Koskinen.

Contributions are welcome!


Adaptive Cards for Blazor is MIT licensed. The library uses the following other libraries: