milamailo / Laravel-App

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Laravel APIs app and Tests


The Course Portal Achievements System is a feature within our course portal platform that enhances the user experience by allowing users to unlock achievements and earn badges based on their interactions with the platform. This README provides an overview of the functionality and concepts behind this system.


  1. Clone the Repo
    • HTTPS:
      git clone
    • SSH:
      git clone
  2. Install the Composer
    composer install
  3. Update the database details in .env
    DB_PASSWORD= password \\Repalce With your password
  4. Migrate the database
    php artisan migrate
  5. Seed the databsase
    php artisan db:seed
  6. Run the server
    php artisan serve
  7. APIs ready to use
    • create a user or login then use the token for the ApIs required Authntication


Event System

The Achievements System is event-driven. It listens for specific user events and triggers the unlocking of achievements and badges accordingly. The two main events are:

  1. LessonWatched: Fired when a user watches a lesson.
  2. CommentWritten: Fired when a user writes a comment.
  3. AchievementUnlockEvent: Fired when a Achievement Unlock "comment or lesson".
  4. BadgeUnlockedEvent: Fired when a Badge Unlocked.


  1. LevelUpAchievements: Listen to New Achievement Unlock "comment or lesson".
  2. NewBadgeAchieved: Listen to New Badge Unlock.
  3. NewCommentAdded: Listen to New Comment adedd.
  4. NewLessonWatched: Listen to New Lesson Watched.


  1. Achievements
  2. Comment
  3. Lesson
  4. User
  5. UserAchievementsBadge


  1. CommentController
  2. LessonController
  3. UserController


Without Authentication

  1. /register
  2. /login

Authentication Require

  1. /comment
  2. /lesson
  3. /user/comments
  4. /user/lessons

Achievements Endpoint

The system provides an API endpoint to retrieve information about a user's achievements. The endpoint, users/{user}/achievements, returns the following:


Event-Driven Architecture

The Achievements System follows an event-driven architecture. It listens for user events and reacts to them by unlocking achievements and badges. This decoupled approach allows for flexibility and scalability in handling user interactions.

User-Centric Design

The system focuses on enhancing the user experience by providing tangible rewards for engaging with the platform. Achievements and badges serve as incentives for users to watch more lessons and write more comments, increasing their interaction with the portal.


The Course Portal Achievements System is a user-centric feature that by unlocking achievements and earning badges, users are encouraged to participate more actively in the learning process. The event-driven architecture ensures seamless integration with existing platform functionalities.
