milanito / nox-client

React rest client
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link

Nox Client

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Nox is a REST client for React. It is inspired from the apollo client, especially in its usage

Warning : This is a very early WIP !


This package is inspired by React Apollo, because I found the usage quite nice in the front end, but I was using a REST API, I thought it'd be a good idea to do so ... As for the name, it's my dog's


To install the module, simply enter the following command :

# Yarn
$ yarn install nox
# Npm
$ npm install nox --save



In order to use the client, you need to wrap your application inside a NoxProvider, here is an example :

import React from 'react'
import { NoxProvider } from 'nox'

import App from './App'

export default () => (
  <NoxProvider options={{
    baseURL: 'http://localhost:1337'
    <App />

Available options

The provider accepts the following options :


To use the client, you need to wrap your component using the noxConnect function, just like in the following example

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { map } from 'lodash'
import { noxConnect } from 'nox'

import Product from './Product'

class Display extends Component {
  render() {
    const { noxData } = this.props;

    if (noxData.loading) {
      return (

    const { data } = noxData
    return (
          {map(data, product => (<Product {...product} key={product._id}/>))}

export default noxConnect({
  method: 'GET',
  path: '/products'

Available options

The available options are :

Accessing the client directly

To access the REST client directly, you can wrap your component with the withNoxClient function, which will make the client accessible in the component's props as noxClient

import React from 'react'
import { withNoxClient } from 'nox'

class ComponentWithClient extends React.Component {
  render () {
    // Access the client in this.props.client
    return (
      <p>Client is accessible</p>

export default withNoxClient(ComponentWithClient)

Who is Nox ?

Nox de Valvygne is my german shepherd dog, he is used to come to the office, so this package is a little tribute for him

Nox in the office

See also